Chapter Twenty-Five

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*Nick's POV*

It's been a few hours since Ellis left and I was worried, what if he got caught? I seen what they done to people who snuck around the base, they'd either shoot them on sight, or they would take them in and harm them. It made me worry what they'd do if they found out Ellis was there.

I don't know how long it would take him to get his mother and leave but I was worried. If it would take longer then a day then I'd go out to find him. Keith is doing fine, he didn't turn. It was a bit odd, considering he was bit by an infected but maybe it didn't affect him. Or there's a possibility that he's like the cure or something. Because it's been night and morning already and he didn't turn. He's the same Keith that I met just yesterday. Talkative and a bit weird but in a funny way. I just hope that if I have to go look for Ellis, The kids will be okay here with Keith.

I sighed as I sat on the couch, feeling worried for my boyfriend. He went out there Alone, there could have been another group of survivors who might have done something to him, or infected could've attacked him or even he could've gotten caught and attacked by the base guards. They don't care about anyone, if anyone even gives the slightest bit of disrespect they beat them down.

The boss of the base, would flirt with me in a very disgusting way, he knew I'd be uncomfortable with him flirting but he did it anyway. He'd come by the room at night and ask to come in or if I wanted to go with him for "his kind of date" that he'd plan, I declined both as politely as I could, but one night he wouldn't take no for an answer.

{ also this will be back when Nick & Ellie were in the base. }

TW: R@pe  { skip if you would not like to read }

He barged in and dragged me to my room. He done horrible things to me, kissing me sloppily, kissing my neck and everywhere else on my body, whispering things into my ear which wasn't pleasing, if anything he sounded like a pervert, which he was. he harshly took my pants off, and he made me face away from him, which was me laying on my stomach I cried as he done the nasty shit he wanted to do to me, I wanted to scream but I couldn't because my daughter would get scared, he left after an hour of torturing me and doing things to me and I felt dirty. I felt so dirty and uneasy. I silently cried, looking out of my bedroom window. I never wanted this to happen, I felt guilty but he made it happen, I can't blame myself but deep down I feel a little guilty for it happening.

This thing that just happened, ruined my trust for these people. I thought being here would be for the best and for the safety of myself and my daughter, but this has just proven that even being safe, doesn't mean we're safe from these kind of people. This just proved that we could be safe from the infected, but we're not safe from perverts. They'll go for anyone they please and I cannot allow them to go after my daughter, one or more could be so fucked up they'd want to go for my daughter. I would not allow that to happen.

This is when I decided we had to leave this hell hole. Because this was the reason I've lost trust for these guards, I seen them beating down people, hurting them in any way they could, and I'd even hear people crying at night after some guards would go into their rooms. I felt unsafe here, I knew I needed to leave to protect my daughter.

*Back to the Present*

I sat there, tears streaming down my face, the memories of that traumatizing night coming to mind made me cry. I hadn't told Ellis yet, I should tell him when he gets back. I had told Rochelle, the next day after it happened she knew something was up, I told her and I start sobbing, she hugged me and told me it would be okay and that it wouldn't happen again. She offered to come stay with me for the next few nights, then when she went back to her own place, I left with Ellie. I haven't seen her or Coach since.

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