Chapter Twenty-One

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*Nick's POV*

I searched around the pharmacy, I found some pain pills, a few adrenaline shots and gauze along with other medicine that we actually use. I put them in my duffle bag, and continued to look around. I didn't find anything else on the shelves so I went to the back of the counter, i didn't find anything else that we needed so I left, to go back to Ellis and the kids.

I walked back to see Ellis at gun point, by a man, the man was getting angry, asking who else was with Ellis. Just when i shot him in the back of the head, killing him immediately, then I heard footsteps behind me, and a gunshot ran out, before I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder, only to find out I've been shot.

Ellis cried out, and I turned around to shoot the guy behind me, killing him, before falling down to the ground. Ellis ran over to me, then took off my now bloodstained shirt, crying as he did so. He opened the health kit, before seeing if the bullet exited, it didn't. So he grabbed tweezers and began to pull out the bullet. I cried out in pain, then he got it out and threw it. He cleaned the blood around my wound and tried to make sure to clean the wound and around it so it wouldn't get infected, he stitched it up the best way he could, before taping gauze on top of it, and giving me pain pills.

(Sorry if I got any of that wrong, I don't how how it goes the right way when someone's injured with a gunshot wound.)

He moved me into the storage closet and closed the door before locking it, then the kids cried, He shushed them and tried to calm them down. Ellie calmed down slowly, but Henry hasn't. The three gunshots were too loud for his ears, and he probably got scared as well.

Ellie then tried to calm him down, by showing him toys, showing him silly faces and she took him out of the stroller he was in, and she bounced him around, holding him and he was face to face, she began humming the song I would sing her and he calmed down and fell asleep. I smiled at her, then She held him for a little while longer before Ellis helped her put him back in to his stroller. Ellie looked over to me, with a sad smile. "Are you okay daddy?" She asked, I nodded with a strained smile. "Daddy's okay sweetie, just in a little pain but I'll manage, don't you worry about me okay?" I replied, she nodded and walked over to me slowly, before gently hugging me. I hugged her back and then she pulled away, I smiled and she walked back to Henry, and pulled out her toys.

I groaned in pain and laid down, on my right shoulder since I was shot on my left, laying on my back hurt. I've tried to lay on my back but the feeling of my wound touching the ground hurt the wound so I had to lay on my right shoulder and I sighed. I didn't want to get injured and have us stay in one place for days until I'm okay. But that seemed to be what's happening because I know Ellis won't agree for us to keep going.

"Babe, I know you don't want to keep moving because I'm injured, but can't we continue on? I don't want us to be in this pharmacy, I'd rather us be in a house or something else. Anything but this pharmacy and this storage closet." I said, hoping he'd agree with me.

He sighed, and looked at me with a 'are you serious?' look. "Babe, you just been shot and you want to move already?" He asked, not sounding very happy that I even asked that question. "I don't want to spend days in this pharmacy or storage closet! I'd rather us be in a house or apartment or a god damn hotel room!! Anything other then this small storage room or this pharmacy!! Can't you agree with me on this one thing?!" I said, arguing. I was fed up with all of this. Constantly living in fear for my life, my daughters life and my boyfriends life, and now I have another kid to try protect. I start crying.

"I don't want to stay here Ellis I need to keep moving, I just want us to get to somewhere that's safe. Because I am fed up with always fearing for my life, Ellie's life or yours...and now we have another kid to look after it's even harder. I can't stay here Ellis. I can't. I'm sorry." I said, he sighed. "Fine we will go, but if we haven't made it anywhere, and you begin to feel anything different we're stopping." He said, and he began packing our things, he wasn't too happy, but he was getting us ready to go. I sighed.

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