Chapter Eleven

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*Ellis' POV*
I woke up to Nick shaking me gently, Ellie was standing there with her things already and Nick had packed our supplies and stuff. We figured we could stay here for a couple of days. We only stayed for about 3-4 days though. Just to rest up and take a break from all the running and fighting.

"It's time to go Ellis" he said, I nodded and got up and grabbed my weapon. We walked out and there was a couple of infected in the tunnel but other then that it was actually quiet. We went through the swan maintenance room. And up the stairs and this bridge thing led into a room. Only way was up some stairs and into another back room which had a hole in the floor. We jumped down and continued our way through. We then felt a cold breeze as we realized we were close to being outside. We went out and then a helicopter flew above us. "There's the helicopter. We gotta get to the next safe house soon" Nick said. I nodded and we snooped around and found some ammo, health packs and pain pills and adrenaline shots. Even some canned food.

We continued our way only to find out that we'd have to run the roller coaster. It would set off the alarm and a bunch of infected would come after us. "How are we gonna do this? Ellie can't run as fast as we do and it would be hard to do the same thing we done with the merry go round, in the roller coaster." I said. Nick sighed. "One of us could hide with her and the other could run the coaster and shut the alarm off. But it would be dangerous. Or we could hide her in a very well hidden spot and both of us run and turn the alarm off. The last option I can think of is we do what we done with the merry go round." He said. I thought about it.

"Let's just take a chance and take her with us as we run the roller coaster. She can be carried by me and you shoot? Or the other way around which ever you think is best." I replied. He nodded. "You can carry her I'll protect you." He said. I nodded and we started the thing to run the roller coaster. Screeches and cries of the infected were heard and then a hoard of them came after us.

We ran, Ellie screamed as she saw the infected running and heard their screeches. She start crying but after a long exhausting run on the roller coaster, we made it. I shut the alarm off and killed the remaining infected and the three of us ran to the safe house. I shut it and made sure it was secured so nothing would get in. Nick sat Ellie on a box and he tried to calm her down. She sobbed.

"Baby it's okay we're okay." He tried soothing her but it wasn't working. Tears kept streaming down her cheeks as she was almost hyperventilating. I walked over and I picked her up and held her, she clung to me as if her life depended on it. I don't blame her though it's scary going through all of this. I can't imagine how terrified she is.

She sobbed as she laid her head on my shoulder, I rubbed her back in a soothing way and shushed her calmly. "Shh darling, it's okay. We're okay. We always will be fine, I promised you and your daddy that I'd protect you both, and I'm keeping that promise. I'll always protect you and your daddy. I love you honey." I said, she sniffled and I heard a mumbled "I love you too" and I smiled. I sat down, with her still in my arms and I hummed a song to her, the song I was humming was sang to me as a child, my momma always sang it to me when I felt scared. It soothed me. I hoped it would calm her down too.

After 30 minutes of holding her and humming a song to her; she fell asleep. I didn't put her down, I held her as she slept, so she felt secure. I kissed her forehead as I stopped humming. I looked over to Nick and he was asleep. He looked stressed. I played with his hair and he smiled warmly in his sleep. He soon looked relaxed. I leaned down and kissed his forehead and I sat there, for the rest of the night holding Ellie as she slept.

*The next morning* {Ellis' POV}

It was bright out, I gently shook Nick awake, his eyes opened. "Time to go Hun." I said, he nodded and got up, gathered our things and we walked out.

I was confused as I realized if Rochelle and Coach had gone before us, we wouldn't have had to run the roller coaster like we did. Maybe they went a different way? I wasn't sure. But that wasn't a concern anymore because we made it through that.

Ellie was still asleep, I continued to hold her in my arms until she woke up, she needed the rest. She's so scared about everything that I'm not sure she has the best sleep, nightmares and all.
There wasn't that many infected lurking around, it's been quiet. We walked through a bumper car place and found a way to the barn. We walked through it as well and the only way to continue was on top of the roofs.

Ellie had woken up while we were walking in the barn, because of the dead cows the terrible smell woke her up. I made sure she was careful as we walked on the rooftops.

Then I saw these big posters for the "Midnight riders" concert. I smiled as they're my favourite. The only thing is, they're not here. But it did give me an idea on how we can get out of here. It isn't the safest idea but it's the only one I have at the moment. I'll talk to Nick about it before we continue on to see how he feels about this plan.

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