Chapter Nine

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*Ellis' POV*
It's been a week since Coach and Rochelle continued on without us. And it's been a very lonely week, Ellie has been bored without having Rochelle with her, Nick hasn't slept well because he was worried about me, and I've been in so much pain.

I'm finally getting better, I can walk around better. Only a slight pain but I think I can manage, so I think today we can leave. I've convinced Nick to sleep, but he laid with me, I wrapped my arms around him so he'd feel more comfortable and secure. He immediately fell asleep after laying down and getting comfortable. Ellie was on the other side of me, she looked peaceful as she slept. Her stuffed animal in her arms as she cuddled it more in her sleep, a small smile on her face. I smiled sadly, she was so young to experience all of this. Living in fear everyday, not having any friends her age, not being able to play like a normal child. It was heartbreaking honestly.

But I know that I'll do everything in my power to make sure she is safe. She's another priority to me now, that Nick is my boyfriend. I love her like she's my own, it's been that way since the day we met. And it will remain that way.

It started to get bright outside, it's very early in the morning. I couldn't wait for today, we've been in this safe house for a week. I was becoming restless laying here, in this room for a week. I'm just hoping that Nick will be fine with us leaving today.

After about another 2 hours, Nick and I woke up. I dozed off for a little while but after feeling Nick leave my side, I woke up again. I smiled at him when he turned to look at me, he returned the smile and stretched, groaning.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. I shrugged. "I'm feeling better today, and I was wanting to talk to you about something" I replied, he nodded. I sat up and looked at him. "I'm becoming restless in this Safe house, so I was hoping that we could continue on today, we've been here long enough and I'm fine now. But I just wanted to talk to you about it first." I said, he thought about it and shrugged with a nod.

"We can leave today, I should start packing our things, can you wake Ellie up?" He said, I nodded and he began packing our things. Packing our guns, medical supplies and food. We found some bottled water in the safe house so we decided to take them.

I gently shook Ellie awake, she grabbed her things and we walked out of the safe house. I had Ellie walk between Nick and I, so she was safer. She was humming the same song that Nick sings to her. She must love the song. It sounds calming and really nice to listen to. Nick smiled.

"I haven't sang that to you in a very long time, I've forgotten the words! But I'm glad you remember it sweetie" Nick said, smiling as he talked to Ellie. She giggled. "You didn't really sing any words daddy, you hummed it more!" She said and laughed, her laugh was so adorable, I couldn't help but break into a smile. Watching Nick and Ellie bond, their bond is amazing.

We made it downstairs to where the generator is. Rochelle and Coach already done this so we'd just need to walk across the bridge and get in the car. They've left us the car, thankfully. I miss them, but we slowed them down. And we were willing to take our time, just as long as we get away then it's fine. But they were in a hurry.

Zoey and Francis were standing up above, they smiled as they seen us.

"Hey guys! Coach and Ro had done the generator part, so you guys can get out of here if you want, we can lend you some supplies too. Whatever you need!" Zoey said, sounding polite. We shrugged. "No thanks Zoey! We got what we need!" I said with a smile, she nodded.

"Okay, we better get going. Bye you guys! Stay safe!" Nick and I said, and waved as we walked across the bridge, Ellie got in the backseat as Nick and I got in the front. Nick was driving and I was in the passenger seat.

Ellie began playing with her stuffed animal, Nick grabbed my hand and held it, I smiled and held his hand tight in mine.

After awhile of driving, we came to a stop on the highway. Cars were piled up on the highway. Making it impossible to drive through. Nick groaned and I could tell he was annoyed. I was too, we'd have to leave the car behind and continue on foot.

We gathered our things and began walking, passing by all the abandoned cars. We walked down a road and at the end of it had an army truck type vehicle. I never knew what it was called, but it was an abandoned car as well. There was some ammo left on the hood of it. We grabbed it and continued on.

As we walked under the highway bridge, there was a hotel that was fenced in. We looked around trying to find a way into the hotel, when I realized the only way in, was through a big billboard that's behind it and near the highway.

Nick went first, then Ellie and then myself. We jumped onto the roof, I went first and then I had Ellie jump to me, she jumped and landed in my arms, I put her down and we waited for Nick to come onto the roof.

We then looked through all of the hotel rooms we could, some were barricaded so we didn't bother trying to get into them. We found some useful things and put them in our bag. We continued looking around when a hoard of zombies screeched. I panicked and hid Ellie in the bathroom. I made her sit in the bathtub and Nick and I stood out in the bedroom, making sure nothing could get to Ellie.

We began firing our guns at the infected as they ran towards us, soon after they were dead. Ellie came out of the bathroom, with tears streaming down her cheeks. My heart instantly broke. She got so afraid that she start crying. I hugged her instantly and rubbed her back in a soothing way, she sobbed as she laid her head on my shoulder, I felt my shirt get wet from her tears but I didn't care. All I cared was letting her know everything's fine and that she's okay, and me and Nick are okay.

We began walking out of the hotel and she's been really quiet. After we got to the next safe house I asked Nick to check if she was still awake. He looked and then turned his attention back to me and shook his head.

"She's asleep." He said, I nodded and held her so she'd feel at ease. He smiled and I looked at him, I smiled a little. "What's got you smiling so big?" I asked, he shrugged. "Looking at how amazing you are with her. it makes me smile when you treat her as if she's your own." He said and he smiled again.

"I do love her like she is my own Nick, ever since I met you guys.  you and her are my priority. Even more now that me and you are dating. I love you, and I love her." I said, his eyes filled with tears and I hugged him, the best way I could. But it's not easy when you're holding a child in your arms.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get all sad like this. It's just that after my ex wife, Ellie's mom. The last two girls and one guy I dated they've never accepted Ellie like you do. I've had 2 girlfriends and one boyfriend. They never cared for Ellie like you. And I'm so happy that you're loving her and accepting her. I guess that's one of the reasons why she loves you so much, because you're willing to do things with her. You're always making her smile or laugh with your stories and you make sure she knows she's loved. That's one of the things I love about you, is your so optimistic. And you care for and love my daughter as if she's your own. Thank you for being so welcoming to my daughter, babe. It really means a lot to me that you're so great with her." He said, I smiled with tears in my eyes.

"I love you too Hun. I love her as well. And I promise you that I will always love her, like she's my own. No matter what happens, I will always love you and her." I said, and I kissed his cheek, he smiled.

"You get some rest now, it's been a long day. I'll take watch." I said, he nodded and laid on a sleeping bag that was on the far side of the small room. It was by the exit actually and I was sitting on the table which is close to the entrance. I laid Ellie down beside him and I kissed them both on their foreheads and then sat on the table once again.
I smiled as I thought about how lucky I am to have a handsome, amazing boyfriend and also get to know his daughter and love her like she's my own child.

Even though with everything in the world going on, this has made a great change to my life. I couldn't be happier.

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