Chapter Eighteen

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*Nick's POV*                {ONE WEEK LATER}

It's been a week since Ellis was left behind, we've been in this base for a week and as the days go on, they get more and more aggressive. Ellie doesn't like it here anymore and neither do i. Coach and Rochelle both agreed they would rather put up with this then be out there.

I was wondering where Ellis had gone, if he was safe. My injuries have healed slowly but I can't imagine how bad his are especially because he was fighting off infected on his on, that hit from the Tank and possibly got attacked more after the pilot flew us away.

I miss him a lot, we haven't separated this long since we've met. Heck we never even separated at all. Ellie misses him more and more every day that he's not with us, she asks about him daily and she can't sleep at night because she worries for him or she isn't able to sleep without him here to tell her stories to help her sleep. The pilot says they've been searching every day since we've left him but I don't really think they're looking for him as hard as they claim to do.

My anxiety gets really bad with him being gone, I can't control the constant worrying and I get irritated with anyone except Ellie. I just want him back with me and Ellie. I can't exactly sleep anymore either, the most rest I've gotten was 4 hours but then I wake up from a nightmare. Ever since he was left behind I have these bad dreams, it would be of him saying it's my fault he was left behind or the other type it would be that he's lying there in a puddle of his own blood, reaching his hand out to me asking for help.

I wake up and I cry because the dreams seem so real when I'm exhausted. So I don't sleep that much, and when I do I just have nightmares that wake me up and then I feel too scared to sleep because the dreams are sad and scary.

My ex wife (Ellie's Mom) would always blame me even if I didn't do anything wrong, so even when things aren't my fault I still feel like I am the one to blame. I apologize for things I don't need to, but I haven't done that lately. Not since I met the group.

The group makes me feel at ease, and I trust them with my life and Ellie's life. And if anything they've made my life better, even with all this shit happening they're what makes my life better. My life was great when Ellie was born, but the group And Ellie being my family makes it 10x more better.

I never really had a family, my mom ran off with some rich guy leaving me with my dad who wasn't a good person. He had anger issues and the littlest thing would set him off. He would hit me if I didn't do anything right or the way he liked, he would call me names, tell me I wasn't worth anything and that I would never succeed in life and nobody would ever love me. He was abusive. I never really believed any thing he told me because I had friends while in school. Them and their families would always show me kindness and respect. So I knew that I had someone that cared, but there were a few times that the things he's said hurt my feelings. There were also a few times where I almost believed him but I knew that none of what he said was true.

He didn't have a job, so he had his family paying for our bills until I got a job, then it was up to me to pay for the bills, Buy our food, and pay for the things we'd need around the house. And most of all the only thing that was important to him was his alcohol so he would take money from me and buy his alcohol.

I ran away from him when I was 18, and lucky I had run away then because he start using drugs. He would get angry when he wasn't high, blame me for things that weren't my fault and the house would reek of alcohol. I saved up money since I was 14 and eventually I had enough to rent out an apartment.

I got a good paying job and I lived in my apartment until I was 21 then I started to go places. I'd be Going to Vegas to Gamble and other places and go to clubs and parties, and drink and sleep with multiple women and then I became a con artist and hit man.

But that all stopped when I met Ellie's mom I was 27 at the time, then I was 29 when she got pregnant with Ellie and gave birth to Ellie.

She then would cheat on me over and over until she finally left me for good a year ago. Ellie was only five years old when her mom left us. Her mom was a bad person. She hated gays, things always had to go her way or she would make a Huge deal out of it and she was a druggie. I could tell that she used because she'd have scars from the needles being poked into her arm and other parts of her body.

Ellie is an easy learner, she catches on pretty easy so when her mother start teaching her the wrong things, she understood. That's partly why she got angry when I talked to her about Ellis being my boyfriend. But I've tried teaching her the right things, like being gay is okay and teaching her to be kind to others and that sort of thing.

I then decided I wanted to leave this place and go look for my boyfriend. I would get us ready, and we'd leave during the shift change because they would take at least 15 minutes to change shifts. Mainly because the guards would chat for ages until they'd switch shifts so we'd have to be out in 15 minutes so they wouldn't spot us.

I packed Ellie's things and then the things we needed. I never really had anything except ammo, Health care stuff, food and bottled water. Ellie would have some books and crayons, her stuff animal and some other toys that could fit in her bag.

I packed enough food and water for us, took some toiletries we'd need, extra clothes and my weapons.

I only had an AK-47 and my pistol and knife. My ammo would be where I can reach in case I need it. I put the things where I could grab them and continued on with my day.

I decided to write a note for Coach and Rochelle too, so they'd know why I left but I wouldn't say where I'd go because they'd come looking for us. I just would simply say I was going out because I didn't like this base and I wanted to look for Ellis.

I started Dinner for Ellie and I, while she was watching the television. We get electricity in the base, they've given us movies on discs to watch too. She was watching some kid's movie. I smiled and continued making dinner.

*Ellis' POV*

It's been a week since I've seen the group and I miss them so much. Caroline has really helped me with my feelings and she's calmed me when I got upset.

She's a great friend. Although I think she feels different for me, like it seems as though she has a crush on me. she tries a little too hard with her looks, does a lot like she wants to impress me, and tries giving signals for certain things. Like a kiss, a hug or to hold her hand or even further then just a kiss. But I never do anything I just pretend I don't notice.

I've told her about Nick and Ellie, but I said Ellie was my daughter because I love her as if she is my own and I told her that Nick is my boyfriend. I don't think she cares about that though, because whenever I had brought Nick up she changed the subject like she didn't like to talk about it. I never really found out if she was a homophobic person or not.

It's been quiet this week too, no infected or people have come around. We've stocked up on supplies and food pretty decently.

I was thinking of going out and searching for Nick and the group. It's been a week and I just want to be with them again. Caroline is a great person and all but I miss the group. I miss my boyfriend and I miss Ellie.

I decided that I would leave this evening. I need to find my boyfriend and the girl who I see as my daughter. I need to find them.

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