Chapter Nineteen

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*Nick's POV*

Ellie had finished her dinner and I told her to go take a bath, I don't know if we'll be able to have a bath when we leave as there's no much good hours that actually have water and electricity.

I wrote the note for Coach and Rochelle. I know Ellie is going to be upset that we're going to be separated from them again, but we get treated horribly here and I don't want my daughter to think it's okay to be rude like that.

Dear, Coach and Rochelle

I've decided that it was best for Ellie and I to leave, I can't stand the way they treat us here and I don't want my daughter to think it's okay to be rude and mean. I'm sorry for leaving you guys, but I need to think about my daughter and make sure she grows up around people who are kind and caring. Not some rude and mean people like these people in the the base. And I miss Ellis, I've gone to look for him and please do not try come look for us, and don't try get someone from the base to look for us. We'd be much happier if we weren't in this base.

Love, Nick and Ellie.

I left the note on the counter and Ellie came out in these purple leggings with a rainbow pattern at the ankles and a white shirt with a little bright pastel purple fabric sewn on the hem of the shirt, it looked almost as if she was wearing a tutu.

I smiled and brushed her hair, I didn't know how to fix her hair but I knew how to brush it.

It was 8:50 Which means in 10 minutes the shift will change which is also the time we'll be leaving.

I put Ellie's shoes on her, and put her little jean jacket on her and told her to grab her things that I've packed. I put my shoes on, along with my jacket and grabbed the things I've packed.

I looked around the apartment in case I missed anything, I decided to grabbed another jacket and pair of clothes for Ellis, in case we found him. He could use new clothes.

Just as it hit 9:00, Ellie and I were already near the exit of the whole base. It was dark and raining, the guards weren't seen. When we first arrived, I realized there was a hole in the wall of the base that wasn't patched up. I was told to move some crates because we had to help do some things around the base. One day I was told to move crates because there were more coming in, and there was a hole that was big enough for people to climb in and out of.

I walked over and moved the crate, I made Ellie crouch and walk through first before going myself. I then reached in and moved the crate back trying to make it seem as nobody even touched it. I then grabbed Ellie and I ran. She was confused but I didn't want to talk to her about it until we were far from this place and we were safe.

*Time Skip to morning*

I had been walking all night, I was exhausted but I had to keep going. Ellie was fast asleep in my arms. We were actually far away from the base. They probably noticed by now that We're not there anymore but I don't care.

I've reached this long abandoned road, it was quiet aside from the soft snores of my daughter and the birds chirping.

I looked around, all I saw were trees, then I spotted a house, it looked more like a cabin. I walked to it, I had to stop while I was at the end of the drive way though. My feet were killing me.

*Ellis' POV*

I was reading a book, sitting on the couch by the window in the living room. Caroline and Henry were in the kitchen, she was making him a snack for lunch. In the corner of my eye, I seen something moving outside of the house. I jumped and looked, my hand on top of my pistol that's in the holster on my thigh, only to realize it wasn't an infected or someone threatening.

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