Chapter Fourteen

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*Ellis' POV*

We walked up to Coach and Ellie laughing. Coach had been telling her funny stories from when he taught the football team in high school and every other story even if it wasn't from school.

It was heart warming to see Ellie in such a good mood again, since we met back up with Ro and Coach, she's been very cheerful and excited. She isn't upset and scared anymore. It's like she's at ease now that we're all back together. It was the right choice to be a group again with Coach and Rochelle.

"So how are we going to get out of here?" Nick asked. Rochelle and Coach looked at each other and nodded. "Coach and I were just talking out our plan when we saw you guys. The helicopter is still around, we thought maybe if we signal the chopper it'll come for us. We were just trying to figure out how to signal it." Rochelle Explained.

Just then, I realized on the stage there would be fireworks shooting up into the sky and loud music playing. It for sure would signal someone, hopefully it would signal the helicopter.

"Hey, I have an idea!" I said. Everyone's focus was on me, I pointed towards the stage. "If we start the concert things we can for sure get the helicopters attention. They'll know we're here and hopefully they'll come rescue us!" I said. Everyone's expression dropped in realization. "I never thought of that! Good idea Ellis." Coach said with a smile. We walked over to the stage and I showed the group the fireworks that would shoot into the sky.

"See if these go off, it'll signal the chopper. The loud music will also signal the chopper but we have to be prepared for a bunch of infected to show up too, the loud noise will sound out for miles." I explained, they nodded. "How are we going to do this? We have Ellie with us and I'm not sure if there's any safe place for her to hide." Nick said, sounding scared. I looked around the place for Ellie to hide.

Nick was right, there was no good or safe place to hide Ellie. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"I don't know. She won't be able to stay with us because we'll be fighting off infected and there isn't anywhere that's safe and good for her to hide." I said.

"What about up there?" Ellie spoke, pointing up to this metal stand that's curved, over the "Midnight Riders" logo that would show on the stage. I looked and saw that there would be a small place for her to sit. The only problem was we wouldn't know if it was sturdy enough, with all the action and movement and such.

"That could work. As long as she can somehow be protected if she falls. She will need to have something to protect herself with as well if an infected sees her and climbs to get her." Rochelle said.

"Is it even safe to give her a weapon?!" I said seeming shocked and worried for the child.

"It isn't but if something were to see her and try get her she would need to protect herself seeing as we will be busy." She replied. I sighed and nodded.

"I don't care what we do, as long as my daughter is safe then I'm okay with whatever plan we have." Nick said. I nodded. Rochelle pulled out a pocket knife. "She could use this. We could explain to her that she is only to use it if something tried to get her." Rochelle explained.

We all agreed on the plan and Rochelle walked over to Ellie. "Honey, I'm going to give you a pocketknife and I want you to take it with you when we get you up there." Rochelle said and she pointed to where Ellie would be. Ellie nodded and took the pocketknife out of Rochelle's hand and put it in her pocket. "I want you to lay low and be as quiet as you can, no matter how scared you feel honey, you need to lay low and be quiet." Rochelle explained. Ellie nodded, hesitantly and We all hugged her.

"Darling it'll all be okay, this is the only way we can keep you safe as of right now. As soon as we can go, me and your daddy will get you down and we'll leave okay?" I explained, she nodded and I kissed her forehead and she climbed up the metal curved stand. She laid low, then sat up and looked down at us with a thumbs up. You wouldn't even notice she's up there, which was a good thing. She would be hidden.

We then started up the concert and the screeches and cries of the infected were heard.

We fought of every single infected and then a loud roar was heard. We called the thing a Tank. It was a huge infected. Big muscles but small head. It was strong enough to throw a car, heck it was strong to throw anything heavy!

The tank came running at us, we shot at it but it threw Nick across the stage. He was knocked out cold, I was immediately scared and angry. The tank hurt Nick and I was scared that he could be badly injured but I was angry that the Tank hurt Nick.

I began shooting at it and yelling in anger, it died. We rushed over to Nick and he was bleeding from his head. He had hit it On impact to the ground. I lifted his blazer and dress shirt and He had a huge bruise from where the tank hit him. Other then that there wasn't anything else.

I cleaned and bandaged the cut up and I put him down, infected came running again and I shot at every one that came running at me or Nick.

After the infected cleared up, Nick woke up groaning and holding his head. "What happened?" He asked.

"A tank threw you and you hit your head when you landed." I explained. I gave him pain pills and he took them immediately. He then got up. I tried getting him to sit but he insisted on fighting.

After fighting many infected and special infected, the  helicopter finally arrived. I rushed and got Ellie down from the metal stand and we ran to the helicopter, just as I was going to get on, the last tank had thrown me far from the helicopter. I heard the screams and cries of Nick and the group. Ellie was trying to get off and run to me but Coach held her tightly.

The helicopter then lifted off the ground and flew away. I couldn't believe it.

I was left behind just like that.

I killed the tank and I began walking. I felt so hurt and scared. I was on my own. I don't know if I can see them anytime soon. I don't know if I'll find them, I really hope I do. I cried and I began walking. Alone.

A/N:Woah a plot twist and a cliffhanger!!
Sorry to do this, but I thought it would give the book a good plot twist! If not, I apologize but I thought it was a good idea.

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