Chapter Seventeen

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*Ellis' POV*

Caroline, Henry and I were sitting in the living room. She was reading a book, Henry was playing with these baby/toddler like toys and I was looking outside. Nature was beautiful, I could stare outside all day. But I can't actually do so. So I'm doing it now to enjoy looking at nature as long as I can.

I sighed, I really missed Nick and Ellie. I've spent so much time being around them that it's hard to not hear their voices and be in their presence.

Caroline put her book down and walked over to me. She put her hand on my shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze as to comfort me. "It'll be okay, I bet they're safe don't you worry too much okay?" She said, I just nodded. "I miss them Caroline. I haven't been separated from them since this whole thing happened, it's hard being away from them." I replied, she looked at me sympathetically and shrugged sadly. "I'm sorry Hun I can't do more to help." She said, sounding a little sad. I put my hand on top of hers and smiled softly. "It's okay, don't worry." I replied before dropping my hand back into my lap.

She stood there for another second before going back to her seat. Henry was blabbing and giggling as he played. I got up and went and sat outside to get some fresh air. I sat there and let my mind wander, the sad memories of the pilot leaving me behind broke my heart again. I felt a lump in my throat, my eyes filled with tears and I just let it out. I burst out crying and crying. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want to ever be separated from my boyfriend and basically daughter. They are my world, I can't imagine my life without them in it anymore.

I cried harder but then I tried to calm myself before it got worse. I took deep breaths in and exhaled slowly. I soon finally calmed down and then Caroline walked out, holding Henry against her side. "You okay Ellis?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I really want to find my family Caroline." I said sadly and she stood there, looking thoughtful. "There's not that many bases that actually have people, but there's three in the city. I could give you supplies you'd need and you can go and check each base for them. If they're not there, then there's a possibility they were taken else where. Unless you want to stay here and wait to see if they come find you." She said, I thought about it to be sure of what was safe for me. I really did want to find my family, but I'm not sure it was exactly safe for me to go out on my own.

"It isn't safe for you to go out on your own, especially with your injuries. But I'm not gonna keep you here if that's not what you want. If you want to go find them, I'll give you supplies and weapons and let you be on your way. If you want to stay, that's fine with me. It's your choice Ellis. By any means, I'll let you be alone for a few minutes and think it through." She said before walking inside and shutting the door gently.

I sighed and put my face in my palms. This was a hard decision because I do want to go look and try to find Nick and the group, but it isn't safe for me to go out and be on my own.

Just then it's like I heard my mother's voice, telling me to stay. For my own safety. I sighed and looked around, this place would be nice enough to stick around for a little longer. I then walked inside to see Caroline cleaning the kitchen, Henry was in his Play pen crawling around, playing with toys.

I walked up to Caroline and leaned against the counter beside her as she washed some dishes that she forgot to do earlier this morning. "I'll stay, if that's okay" I said, she nodded and smiled. "Of course you can stay Ellis, stay as long as you need but when you're ready to go, let me know so I can pack you some supplies to take with you." She said, I nodded and patted her on the shoulder before going to sit in the living room. She had books on the shelves so I decided to look and see if I could find any books to read.

I liked to read. It was my other favourite thing to do other then work on cars and such, being a mechanic doesn't seem all that pleasing for others, but I actually like being a mechanic. Me and my buddy Keith and our other friends opened up a shop to be mechanics. I was actually the manager, I made it fair for each of my friends with the work. The hours, the pay and such.

I found this good book, about a woman who was a time traveller and she fell in love with two guys, who were in different times. She had to choose one guy to take back to the present time. It was interesting. I decided to read it and once I was on the second chapter, I was invested to read it all.

My mama would always read to me, then when I learned how to read on my own I got invested in any type of book. Keith and I are very different from each other. I like books, working and doing chores, meanwhile Keith prefers video games, and sitting around. I would clean his room for him, because I couldn't just leave it to be messy.

I actually never minded doing it for him, it gave me something to do and I felt good knowing my best friend had a clean room to be in. But as he got older he start cleaning for himself, and he actually got a job. When we opened up the garage I helped him out and gave him a job, and now he enjoys being a mechanic as well.

Being a mechanic is pretty hard, there's always rude costumers or there's certain things wrong with the vehicle and we never figure it out immediately, and It can be stressful but it's something I love to do.

Keith was never really close with his family, his mom wasn't around and his dad was an alcoholic, he didn't have any siblings or any other family in our hometown. So he would stay at my house a lot of the time, my mama took care of him like he was her own, I saw him as brother even if he wasn't blood family.

Eventually his dad's drinking got bad, he moved in with us. His room was next to mine and we went to the same school, worked at different jobs though. After I graduated I worked as a part time tutor to help kids that were falling behind on their work. Keith worked at a small market store, as a cashier. After we graduated, we got our jobs and we helped my mother around the house. We helped pay the bills, paid for our food and such. It was the least we could do for all the years she's taken care of us.

I sighed again, I miss my mama and Keith. The day that this all happened, was the last time I've seen them. I told them to go get to an evacuation place and they did. I was trying to make sure Keith and I's other friends made it out and then when I couldn't find them, I figured they made it to an Evacuation place already so I drove myself to the one where Keith and my mama were but they wouldn't allow me inside. They were out of room for any more people to be let in. I haven't seen my mama or Keith since then.

Caroline snapped me out of my thoughts when she came into the living room. She had this small smile on her face. "Hey, I was just going to go out and look for more supplies. Do you mind looking after Henry while I go out?" She said, I nodded. "Yeah I can watch him, but you be careful out there." I replied, she smiled. "Always am, and thanks for staying with Henry, I normally take him with me but I figured I could ask you to watch him while I go out and search for supplies we could use." She replied, I nodded and she put Henry in my lap. He stared at me with confusion but giggled when I began making faces and tickling him.

"Okay I'll see you later guys!" Caroline said, carrying a shotgun and a pistol in the holster. "Be careful out there Caroline!" I responded, she nodded and mumbled a "of course" before walking out of the door. I looked at Henry, he giggled. "Hey little man, do you wanna play with your toys?" I said, he then yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Oh you're tired! Okay so I'll lay you down for a nap then." I then went upstairs to check the other rooms to see if any one of them were Henry's room.

Caroline's room had a crib in it, so I'm guessing they're sleeping in the same room together. I just decided to lay him on the couch for a nap.

I picked up the book that I was reading earlier and sat there in silence and read the book. Thinking of Nick and the group. I hope they're safe and okay.

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