Chapter Twenty-Seven

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*Ellis' POV*

Nick and my mom seem to get along just fine, he looks nervous around her but he's getting more comfortable knowing she's really kind. She is where I get my kindness from. All my life growing up, she's taught me to be kind to everyone, even if they're being rude and disrespectful. Of course, I forgot my manners and kindness for a short while when we were in the base, but could you blame me? The guards and boss hurt my mother, for their own satisfaction. I couldn't be kind to them when they've harmed the woman that raised me. My own mother. But I am kind, but when it comes to my family, I don't care my mean side will come out. Anyway She's taught me to be respectful and kind to everyone around me. And She's an amazing mother.

Ellie is also really happy to have new people with us, more happy to know that it's my mother. Ellie immediately asked my mother to braid her hair, as Nick and I couldn't because we never could figure out how to do it.

My mom put two normal braids in Ellie's long beautiful brunette hair, she smiled and ran off to the bathroom to glance at her hair, being exited that her hair was braided after weeks of not being fixed up properly like she wanted. She came rushing out and hugged my mom, saying thank you and giggling, the hug took my mom by surprise but she laughed and hugged Ellie back, Nick smiled and I leaned my head on his shoulder. It seemed so calm now, of course no infected nearby and no more guards.

Ellie began playing around with Henry, making him laugh with silly faces, pretending to fall over and making him laugh more, his laugh was so contagious it made us laugh as well. The kids are amazing, they're so happy considering all of this. Ellie doesn't get to have a normal childhood, so it amazes me how strong she's been throughout everything. But she learns from her dad, they're both are strong. They've been through hell and they are still doing fine.

A knock was on the door, everyone immediately going quiet and Ellie ran to Nick, I picked Henry up and made them go into the master bedroom, they did and I opened the door, of course, holding my pistol behind my thigh just in case I need it.

I opened the door to reveal Coach and Rochelle. I couldn't believe it, I thought I'd never see them again. Rochelle smiled, so did coach. "Hey El, where is everyone?" She asked, I laughed in disbelief but happiness. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked, she shrugged. "We got threatened by the guards at the base, they think we helped you and your mother escape, we couldn't take their bullshit anymore so we ran away, of course taking canned food, bottled water and other supplies we'd need." She explained.

"I made everyone hide in the room, I didn't know it would be you guys showing up." I said and chuckled nervously, I called for everyone and they came out of the room and immediately Ellie ran over to Rochelle, jumping in her arms crying of happy tears, Rochelle also began crying happy tears. They had a good bond, I felt horrible for Ellie when she couldn't see Ro or spend time with her, but We wanted to live our lives differently so it meant Ellie not being able to be with Rochelle.

Ellie quickly pulled Rochelle into the baby room, where Henry was. My mom has been sleeping in the master bedroom, while Nick and I slept in the living room we moved the couch out of the room and put a bed in the living room, Keith had taken the guest bedroom and Ellie and Henry share a room, which is in the baby's room. We made sure the window was locked at all times, so nobody could get in through it if anyone were to try get in. It's not the best living situation but it's what makes it easier for us right now.

We all spent time catching up, my mom and Keith were getting to know Rochelle and Coach, they got along great, Coach actually turned out to be good cook, him and my mom made us dinner tonight, they knew the same recipe for our dinner tonight so they worked together for it. It was amazing watching everyone get along and actually feel safe for once.

Ellie went down into the basement, and found a bunch of board games, she brought a few of them up and we played board games all night, laughing and having fun like a family. Eventually one by one we all went to bed, Nick and I were laying on our bed, talking about how much fun our night with family was.

"We should get a different house, a bigger one. Even if there's no electricity we could manage. We can't be crammed in a house like this, I mean Ro and Coach are spending the night in the cold dark basement. The only lighting they have is the flashlight and candle they got. It can't be like that Nick." I said, he nodded. "We can leave tomorrow, we'll let your mom watch the kids, maybe take Keith along as well. Coach and Rochelle can stay here, help with the kids, and if anything were to happen coach could protect them, since it'll be three adults here." He suggested, I agreed and smiled. "I love you Nick." He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I love you too El." He replied.

My eyes felt heavy, before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

*Nick's POV*

Ellis was sound asleep, then I heard Beth (Ellis' mom) talking in the kitchen, I quickly but quietly slipped away from Ellis and walked to the kitchen quietly and saw Beth having a glass of juice. She saw me and smiled. "Oh hey Nick, did I wake you?" She asked, I said no and smiled. "No, I haven't fell asleep yet, I just came to ask you a question, it's kind of important." I replied, she motioned me to sit across from her at the table, we sat down across from each other and I sighed, feeling very nervous.

"So what is it that you need to ask?" She questioned. I sighed, and I finally explained. "I love your son so much, he makes me very happy, and he is a big help to Ellie and I, and it amazes me that he loves her like his own, she loves him just as much as I do, and what I wanted to ask I have your blessing to ask him to marry me?" I asked, my heart was pounding in my chest, she smiled and tears filled her eyes.

"That is so sweet! And of course you have my blessing, I'd love to have you and Ellie apart of the family, if you need help with anything, just let me know okay?" I smiled and hugged her, she hugged back and laughed quietly as to not wake anyone. "Thank you so much Beth, I'm actually gonna spend the next few days searching for a ring, it might not be easy and I probably won't even find one, but it's worth a shot right?" I said, she looked down at her hands and smiled.

"I have mine which is just a wedding band, and Ellis' fathers wedding ring, it's a wedding band with a green gem in the middle, mine has a blue gem in the middle, I didn't want any diamond ring, I'm plain and simple so I told Ellis' dad to get me a wedding band like his." She replied. I smiled. "If you don't mind, could you tell me a little about Ellis' dad?" I asked.

"Well, he was an amazing father to Ellis, and Keith as well. He loved those boys a lot, he done everything for them when I couldn't do it. As I had a hard working job then when I'd get home I'd to take care of our home, cooking, cleaning and such. His name was Adam. He was a great guy. But unfortunately he got very sick and passed away. It broke Ellis after that. For years Ellis was depressed and just hurt because he'd see other children with their fathers, at events or just on a normal day. And it broke his heart. But eventually in high school, he got better. He went to a therapist and began talking to them, and it helped him a lot. He got more and more joyful, and happy again." She explained. I nodded.

"I'm so sorry for your guy's loss. I've only asked because I wanted to know a bit more about his father, and I didn't want to ask him just in case it bothered him to talk about it you know? He's an amazing man and I feel super lucky to be the one who is his boyfriend, and hopefully soon to be husband." I added. She smiled sadly and shrugged. "It was tough on us, but we're doing okay now. I know Adam is watching over us and I bet he is so proud of his son, he was doing good in his normal life, and now he found a great man and an amazing little girl who he loves as his own." She said, I smiled. "Ellie and I are very lucky to have Ellis in our life Beth, he makes everything better. I love him a lot." I replied, she nodded. "I know you do son, you look at him the same way I used to look at Adam. That's pure love. What you two have is this amazing love, and one that'll last as long as you two work for it. Please remember that now and even after you're married, you can't stop working for the love and trust. You need to keep building it up, to keep the relationship and marriage healthy." She explained.

"Of course Beth. I won't stop working for this relationship because I sure don't want to lose Ellis. I promise you, and him that I'm not giving up on this relationship or the soon possible marriage." I said.

After a short while of talking, we both went back to bed, I went to lay beside Ellis, when he cuddled up to me, I smiled and kissed his forehead before falling asleep.

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