Chapter One

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Nick's POV

My daughter screamed as the few zombies chased us to the rooftop of a hotel, the groans and screams of the Infected terrifed me but I couldn't let my daughter see me frightened. I shushed her and put her head down on my chest as I ran as fast as I could to get away from the Infected.

"Ey over here!" A southern voice yelled, I looked and saw a young boy, in his twenties calling me over I ran over and he shot the Infected that were running towards us, we ran up the stairs and soon made it to the rooftop.


We stood around, my daughter sitting on the table the group of three talking trying to figure out what we could do, the flashback of earlier replaying in my head.

I was stressed. Concerned on how I'm gonna protect my daughter through this. The southern boy noticed my stress and walked over to me snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ey man you okay? You look stressed" he said concern filling his voice.

"I'm worried about how I'm gonna protect my daughter, she's only five years old" I said with concern and sadness in my voice looking at my daughter who was giggling and smiling talking to Rochelle.

"Hey, you and your daughter will be safe with us You dont have to worry about her or yourself because we are your family now and We will get through this" he said comforting me I sighed and nodded he smiled and I smiled a little as well

"Alright people should we be on our way now?" Coach asked us, we all agreed to go to the mall as that's where they seem to be evacuating

We grabbed the weapons and health kits that were set on the table and left.

I had my daughter by my side so I'd know she was okay. Coach and Rochelle led the group, me and my daughter Ellie were in the middle and Ellis was right behind us making sure nothing would get me or Ellie.

We made it to a working Elevator and got in, we talked more and got to know each other better, Ellie had already grown close to the other three, so have I and like Ellis said, we're a family now.

I smiled as Ellie giggled talking to Coach, he was making funny faces and laughing along with her. Rochelle walked over to me with a small smile.

"So how are you holding up?" She asked I sighed "I'm fine, I'm just worried about protecting my daughter I don't have time to worry about me right now" I replied she nodded.

"We're here for you, if you ever need one of us to take her off your hands even for a few minutes we can just so you could get rest or have a minute alone okay?" She said I nodded with a small smile.

"Thanks Ro" I said she smiled and nodded and walked back towards Coach and Ellie, we came to a stop and the elevator filled with smoke and it felt really hot, Ellis and I opened the elevator doors to reveal the floor in flames

"Okay Can one of you carry Ellie to the safehouse? Cover her up with her jacket so she doesn't inhale too much smoke I'll cover whoever is gonna carry her" I said looking around, Ellis then picked her up and I smiled thanking him he just smiled and nodded.

We ran to the safehouse thankfully there being a clear path, I made sure Ellis and Ellie were fine the whole way there, shooting any Infected that were trying to get to them.

We made it to the safehouse, Ellis uncovered Ellie who was okay she smiled as she looked at each one of us, probably making sure we're okay and here.

"Let's take a break before we head out" Coach said, we all agreed and sat around I walked over to coach "hey how long do you think we can rest her for? Ellie is tired and i was wondering if we'd stay long enough so she could nap" I asked.

"She can nap, maybe it's best we all do so we are full of energy to continue on" he said with a smile I nodded thanking him and walking away to where Ellie was sitting with Ellis.

"Hey sweetie, do you want to take a nap?" I asked her, just as I finished my sentence, she nodded and yawned rubbing her eyes I smiled and laid her down I covered her with my suit jacket and she soon fell asleep.

"Alright people, you all need some rest before continuing on. I can take watch, and you all can sleep behind the counter or in that small room" Coach said we all agreed to sleep, Ellis, Ellie and I slept behind the counter Rochelle slept in the small room and Coach took watch he explained to us that he wasn't tired so he'd stay awake to keep watch while we rested.

As I laid there staring at Ellis and Ellie as they slept, they looked so peaceful I smiled sadly as my daughter was so young and had to be in all of this. I'm just glad that these three are keeping her safe and trying their best to keep her happy.

I then drifted off into sleep. Exhausted from the eventful day we just had.


I heard crying as I woke up, I was in an empty house I heard the crying get louder I got up off of the floor and followed the crying sound I soon saw my ex wife holding my daughter with an evil grin on her face "Oh nicholas, you're not father material you cant take care of my daughter" hearing those words broke my heart but also made me angry
"You're saying that but YOU are the one that walked out on her" I said anger clear in my voice she laughed and looked at me "I'm taking her, and you'll never see her again" I tried to Grab ellie but I couldn't move she walked out of the door as Ellie was reaching towards me screaming "Daddy!" She was crying I start crying as well then the door closed.

I woke up in a panic, sweating and I looked around to still see Ellie laying on Ellis, smiling in her sleep, Ellis held onto her like his life depended on it. He cuddled up to her more she smiled once again

I sighed in relief Coach looked at me with worry "you okay nick?" He asked I sighed "I just had a nightmare Coach, I'm fine" I said wiping the sweat off of my face.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked I stood up and walked towards where he was sitting I sighed.

"My ex wife, Ellie's mom left when she was two years old..I keep having this nightmare that she takes her..and every time I have this nightmare she says "Nicholas you aren't father material, I'm taking my daughter and you'll never see her again" and then the last thing I see before I wake up is my daughter screaming and crying reaching for me..I wake up sweating and crying.." I said sadly he sighs sympathetically.

"Son, she probably is either long gone by now at some evac or on the other side of the world or she's one of them. Either way she won't get Your BabyGirl. We're a family now we will get through this together and even after I hope you and Ellie will let us be apart of both your lives I know I'd like to be grandpa or uncle Coach to miss Ellie" he said with a chuckle I smiled and chuckled

"Coach of course we will let you three be in our lives after this, we are a family now you guys love and protect Ellie as if she is blood family to you and that means so much to me that it's not just me wanting to protect her I don't have to worry when she's with either one of you cause I know she's safe and that's what makes me want you guys to be in our life." I said he smiled and nodded.

"If you want to rest you can, I can take watch" I offered he smiled "thanks Nick" he said and stood up and went to rest, I sat there watching them all sleep peacefully I smiled at my new family and kept watch as they all got rest.

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