𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕦𝕖 𝟙

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I realise how much I have to cover in this epilogue, so imma do 2 UwU

[No one's POV]

After the clouds had cleared and the sun had sunken completely, Izuku stood up, brushing off his trousers, and after trembling for a bit, he held his hand out for the weakened blonde to take. He knew he had been suffering, and his screaming and crying only proved that, which was why he had melted for him after his breakdown, before he took the second jump. His soft spot caused him to forget about him wanting to die and, through blinding desperation, he rushed up to Katsuki to hug him better, spilling tears and emotions of his own too.

Katsuki attempted to get onto his feet, but immediately fell back down to the floor, a few chuckled slipping out of his mouth as well as a couple more tears. In truth, the action made him feel even more of a failure than usual. Izuku giggled with him softly, slinging one of his muscular arms around his bony shoulders, bringing blonde once again to his feet and walking him out of the school. The abnormal skinniness didn't make it past Katsuki, and immediate guilt once again jabbed his stomach.

"I-Izu... have y-you been eating?" He seemed to hesitate beside him, the grip around the blonde's arm slacking a little.

"N-no..." Izuku slows his pace down, looking on the ground in shame, tears brimming at his eyes. Katsuki, however, had resumed with his previously cut-off stream of tears. He really had broke.

The apologies also restart, Izuku once again left to comfort Katsuki, rubbing his back soothingly as he had no choice but to keep accepting each sorry said. The blonde was rather clingy, hugging the greenette once again, Izuku eventually stopping walking to peck his cheek in attempt to try and calm him down. Since it was now 6, they had to leave soon or they would be locked inside. After a few moments, Izuku continued walking, Katsuki a sober mess on his shoulder, not giving any shit as to who saw his weakened state.

They made it out of the school building, and Izuku needed a break with his muscles burning, settling Katsuki on a bench and sitting beside him. They were both broken, but in different ways. They both wanted to die, and had every reason to, but a strand of hope that someone still cared for them was enough to keep them from falling into the arms of death. Katsuki's head was too heavy and he propped it atop Izuku's shoulder, still sniffling with tears dripping off his cheeks. The greenette reaches for his phone, not surprised to see 32 missed calls from his mother, and another 10 missed calls from Mitsuki. He firstly calls his mother, knowing she would be the most concerned of the two.

"Hi m-mum... I'm s-sorry... Th-There was an emergency and... I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!.. No it's Kacchan... yeah he's ok-" Izuku was cut off with the snuggling of Katsuki into his arm, his eyes drooping shut. He sighs, realising that Katsuki would have trouble sleeping, a promptly-generated solution that had popped in his head causing gentle butterflies to flutter in his chest. "Hey mum, I d-don't think Kacchan can sleep tonight. C-Can I sleep with him?.. yeah, ok I'll be over in a bit, I'll c-call auntie in a minute... Thank you... Love you too. B-Bye."

He hangs up, and looked beside him at the blonde who looked exhausted, the lack of emotion on his face making him look soft and peaceful. He smiles fondly, pecking yet another kiss to his ash-blonde hair before calling Mitsuki.

"H-Hi auntie... Katsuki is dosing off at the moment, a-and a lot has happened..... I'm sorry... I know but it..." He glances at Katsuki to ensure he was asleep, a few more tears slipping through his own eyes, dropping his voice. "It was my fault he was hurt in the first p-place....... Do you think I can say the night?..... Ok... Thank you, auntie... I-I'm sorry still... Bye."

Izuku put his phone away and nestled into Katsuki, cringing at how damp the other's t-shirt was. Katsuki had come back around by now and, after gulping in a bit of air, he asks another difficult question.

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