ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟛~ ℝ𝕖𝕕 𝔻𝕒𝕚𝕤𝕚𝕖𝕤

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Okie, this is where things go DOOOOWWWWWWNNNNNNN get ready for bigger angst :3

[No one's POV]

The days to follow were quite eventful.

As usual, Izuku had met All Might, a man who had told the poor boy he could never become a hero. But, after his encounter earlier with Katsuki, he easily dismissed the comment, knowing that at least one person in this world believes he can be a hero. Not because of his ability. Because of his spirit.

He later proved himself worthy of All Might's quirk when he saved one of Katsuki's "extras" from death by the fated "Sludge Monster", whom had somehow taken the place of the blonde in that scenario. And after showing his courage to his idol, All Might inherited his quirk to him, making him overjoyed. He went that night to tell his blonde friend that he had finally gotten his quirk, however was rather shocked when the call, after a few rings, went straight to voicemail.

A few more calls, and none answered.

What was wrong with Katsuki?

The answer was simple, but not for the greenette. Katsuki had ended each call he was given, sobbing through tears as he couldn't help but feel worse now that he had to force their relationship, that was just growing, to stop. It was unhealthy, and it would only do the smaller boy, who Katsuki had learned to care for, more harm.

He himself was a danger.

Katsuki was cold in classes and after managing to ignore everyone in his middle school class for a while, stopping his bullying at the greenette and leaving his own self with no friends. Izuku had naturally stopped talking to him.

For Izuku, it didn't hurt, the missing piece in his chest almost immediately filled with the hopes he had for being able to get into UA. He was used to having no one anyway, so it wasn't unnatural for him to have his heads in the clouds after being on the ground for so long.

For Katsuki, however, he wasn't even on the ground, falling into an endless pit. The greenette's absence hurt him, quite possibly even more than when Izuku went missing in his previous life. The empty space in him only got bigger, and it became too regular for him to skip meals just to bawl in his own hideout in the back of the school. He was tired of this pain. It wasn't growing any easier, and the burden of it made him unable to concentrate in lessons.

The blonde found it even worse when the entrance exam came over, always looking for the same green and black head in the room instead of his test paper. He didn't know what this emotion was, but it was scratching his lungs and throat, and he was on the verge of having a breakdown in the middle of the exam.

The practical exam was potentially worse, since the poor blonde looked everywhere for Izuku, unable to find him and being hit square in the ribs by a robot. He did eventually take 20 odd robots down, but the irritancy in his chest grew more obvious and painful, as if he were bleeding on the inside. This caused him to lose focus most of the time.

Mitsuki slapped him on his head in congratulations when he stumbled home, after the exam, but Katsuki had no weird retort back at his mother, grunting in response and dragging himself into his room, closing the door quietly. Of course Mitsuki thought this as unusual, but it was unfortunate that she brushed it off, thinking the entrance exam beat the living shit out of Katsuki's energy.

If only someone out there had known of the blonde's suffering.

It became strangely frequent for Katsuki to return from school and burry his head between his knees in a dark bedroom, bawling for his suffering and uncomfortable loss. Did it have to be so hard for the blonde to get over the fact that him breaking his forbidden bond with Izuku was a good thing? Katsuki was entering a world of his own black-and-white despair, a downward spiral into a prison of depression.

Katsuki couldn't help but feel pride when he found out Izuku got into UA, along with himself who had just about scratched the pass mark, and found it increasingly harder to ignore the greenette, though the other seemed to find it a complete ease.

Izuku was just overjoyed, and though he would've told Katsuki almost immediately, he didn't, forgetting that the blonde even existed.

It was still unknown as to what that scratching in Katsuki's chest was, or that emptiness in Katsuki's stomach was, but he can only imagine that the one thing, or person, that could fix it was Izuku. And asking him for help was no option for the blonde, nowhere near because of his pride: instead because he had to keep distance between them.

It was after his first day at UA that it first started though. The time Katsuki felt like he was coming down with something.

He had seen too much that day. He was waiting on one of the benches he had come across before, but he wasn't sure what for until he saw Izuku walk into the school, on instinct suddenly standing up. He managed to sit himself back down after telling himself that he was a danger to the greenette. The acute pain in his chest that he was yet to get familiar with that day started when he saw Izuku talking with a brunette girl, the two starting to giggle about an inaudible joke. The sight alone shattered the blonde, thinking that he really was alone in this world.

The sudden urge to throw up was apparent, and without a moment of hesitation, the blonde sprinted inside to an isolated toilet, throwing up his pain by crying. Each sob he had made caused more sharp pain to jolt through him. After a few minutes, he managed to compose himself, keeping a straight and downturned face when a redhead, whom he remembered was called Kirishima, came whistling through the bathroom doors. He never went home, making the mistake of staying at school.

The day passed by agonisingly slow and after what felt like hours of lecturing, lunch break was around. Katsuki was trying to quickly pack his stuff back into his back, zipping it up and slinging it over his shoulder, but he tenses when he hears a bubbly voice.

"Hey Deku! Wanna sit with me at lunch?"

The pain grew worse.

Katsuki doesn't hesitate to barge past people clogging the doorway, ignoring confused yelps as he makes a break for the bathroom. He didn't care if there were people in there already - he could deal with that later - but he was gagging, starting to choke on something painful and prickly in his lungs, as if there were needles there. Kneeling on the floor and practically hugging the toilet, he tried to force the object out of his mouth. He had grown, over time, to despise the feeling in his chest, and now that it withdrew pain, even when he breathed, he must get it out. He was violently coughing violently until his cheeks turned red, temples aching as if they were stabbed. Invisible wounds, that were no longer there from his past life, started to sting, as if they had reopened, and all the pain combined caused tears to come forward. He ended up sniffling and sobbing, the object still yet to come, and after that short break, he then started again.

The metallic taste of blood sheened over his tongue, throat feeling like sandpaper and burning harshly, causing the blonde to start going dizzy, spluttering and feeling his stomach churn. Only when he had stopped to open his eyes had he realised the murderous mess he had made.

The inside of the toilet was sprayed with crimson, some droplets trailing into the pink-tinted water in the centre. It looked like he had cut himself and drizzled his blood over the cream ceramic. A crime scene.

After finally calming his breathing, however, he coughs one last time, and a foreign obstruction makes its way up Katsuki's throat and into his mouth, gagging it out once again.

But the horrendous scratching didn't go.

There, floating in the water, to Katsuki's dismay, was a daisy. Izuku's favourite flower.

A red daisy.

Covered in blood.

Tears follow the flower's path.

OK FINE! KATSUKI HAS HANAHAKI THERE'S A SPOILER FOR YOU! Now, over the next 2 days, find out what Hanahaki is so I don't have to explain it ._.

Still, get ready for an intense at ride!!!!!!!!!

Be potates!


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