ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟠~ 𝔾𝕠 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕖

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My Kirikami book is released today, for those of you who want to read it ^^

[No one's POV]

Katsuki had felt somewhat remorseful for what he had done, regretting the sadistic expression on Izuku's once pure face. Just like the impure one he had looked at when he was dead.

The blonde gulps loudly at the thought, remembering the blood all over the place, so much of it that had left him become so horrifically traumatised. He trembled a little before forcing himself to stop, finding feeling in his feet as he forced himself outside. He didn't know if he could go through the rest of the day. He was still alive, which meant that Izuku was alive too, but how would he treat Izuku now? Should he be nice to him? No, he would be made fun of and his reputation would only get worse. Should he ignore him? No, his leech-like friends would just persuade him to make even further fun of him.

Making fun of Izuku. Finally, after being asleep for so long, Katsuki had opened his eyes and realised what a sick person he was. How him bullying the innocent nerd was unforgivable and disgusting. And though no one had deserved to think so ill on themselves, Katsuki felt he deserved every bit of hate he gave himself. Because Izuku was just a person. And he was a monster.

He wades out of the door after a few moments of looking out on the place where it all happened, flashbacks to what had taken place still scarring his mind. And one foot in front of the other, he hardly recalls the journey going to his house.

He composes himself outside of his house door, recalling what had happened. Taking in a breath and finally looking at the door, he tries to rebuild some of the shattered remnants of his pride. The nerd was alive, and that was all that really mattered. He wanted to save him to repay for his disgusting behaviour, and what he did is more than enough to repay his debt. 

What he did was, in every way, right.

Time skip

That was the last time Katsuki would ever see Izuku in the flesh. The next day, Katsuki had come into school, around the same time Izuku did, and waited, watching all his classmates chatter and snicker through the door, a few people casting scared glances at the intently staring blonde, somewhat thinking they did something wrong to make him pissed. But Katsuki was more annoyed at Izuku not being around, anxiety, that he had tried so hard to suppress, growing harder to contain. He hated how everyone was so scared of him, and how now he had found out. 

How much of a dick was he throughout all those years?!

More and more people cross the path of his eyes, but none of them had the same petite frame or curly green hair like the nerd he was looking for. And his worry only grew when the bell rang, the teacher, as per usual, strolling in. 

Izuku was never late. 

Something was definitely up.

Katsuki didn't care if he seemed like a fool to all his class, but he felt this horrible feeling scratching his chest, like nails scraping at irritating skin. It was alien, and not agonisingly painful, but uncomfortable, to the extent where he wanted to cough it out. And through the pain, he only grew more angry, a split second springing to his uninterested teacher who was scrolling on his phone, disconnecting from the classroom he was supposed to be teaching.

Normally, when addressing a teacher, students were always polite, raising their hands in order to raise queries. However, Katsuki needed answers, immediately going up to his teacher, grabbing the collar of his shirt tightly and tugging it firmly towards him, snarling impolitely. "Where the fuck is Deku?!" He demanded an answer, needing it with a not-so-foreign feeling of desperation. Why did it look like he cared so much about a nerd that he had always trained himself to hate?

The teacher had only a flicker of surprise, but the rest of his face remained unfazed. This was quite unusual, but not abnormal, since the blonde was always creating havoc. But, in truth, not even the teacher knew. "Listen, Katsuki, please sit down. Izuku, nor his mother, hasn't informed me of anything, so I dunno what you did to him, but he's probably late. Now sit down and I'll start the lesson," he muttered in a flat and monotone voice, only irritating the blonde more with his lack of care. He knew the teacher had no care for Izuku too, thinking of him as a nuisance with his annoying mumbling, but him having the nerve to show this in front of Katsuki's face pissed him off.

"DON'T FUCK WITH ME! WHERE IS HE!" Katsuki tugs on the collar even further, venomous words spat on the teacher's face. The blonde would never realise it is the abuse of his power that causes his downfall. The teacher's face remained still just as the headmaster, in pure coincidence, walks in on his normal morning check ups.

He double-takes, his face morphing into a gobsmacked expression, and strides up to Katsuki, wrestling him off the teacher, immediately dragging him up to the office and interrogating him about what got him so riled up in the morning. Katsuki did end up politely asking what had happened, only to face the same answer as he got before. He was allowed to call Inko to ask of the whereabouts of the greenette he was looking for, but he was to instantly leave school for the rest of the day after acting so immature. 

Inko had responded the call with a little busied yet formal tone, laced with a little worry, and seemed to pause in surprise when she heard Katsuki's voice. Her anxiety increased slightly when the blonde asked her where Izuku was, and she meekly responded to hide her growing panic. "I haven't seen him this morning. He packed his back like normal along with an extra bag filled with... I don't know what, but told me he loved me before leaving. I went to clean his room and nothing looked too out of place, though now that I think about it, I haven't checked his closet in a few years. He said he was going to go straight to school, and he remembered to take his phone and keys too. But since then I haven't gotten anything. Why, what's wrong?"

She forces a laugh at the end, clearly nervous. Katsuki had no idea on how to respond to this. Of course Inko would ramble like her son does. The blonde looks earnestly at his headmaster in desperation, and he returned a worried look back. The headmaster was obliged to care for all of his students, and the fact that one of them wasn't seen anywhere was out of the ordinary. So, he took the phone and continued to talk to Inko, Katsuki signalled to go home at that moment.

With a heavy heart and conscience, Katsuki trudges home, Mitsuki immediately nagging his ear off when he returned much earlier than expected. He just ignores her, too deep in thought, slipping his shoes off and trudging upstairs, sitting on his bed and staring outside expectantly. Of course, the empty and bleak sky stares back at him. 

So Izuku was actually gone. Was it once again Katsuki's fault? Probably. He was the one that brought him on edge.

For the first time, Katsuki felt vulnerable. He felt like, this time, he did something too wrong. It was too late for him to take it all back. And now, he was afraid of the dreading consequences he was going to suffer.

Which will turn up in the next few chapters :D

Be potates!


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