Chapter 18 - If you don't mention it, it didn't happen

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When she is quiet, there's a reason. She is sorting through all the chaos in her head, and all the madness in her heart.

- L.L.K

I didn't sleep much that night. How could I after Draco Malfoy had kissed me out of nowhere? And then, he left, just like that.

I had no idea what to do or what to think. Why did he do that? Was he drunk? He hated me, we weren't even friends. Why did he kiss me?

And why wasn't I completely repulsed by the idea?

And then there was the other problem: Christmas brunch. In just a few hours, the Malfoys would be on my doorstep again. I could just imagine him hoping I'd pretend like it hadn't happened.

But I sure as hell was not going to do that.

I needed answers. I needed to know why he did what he did. Recalling last night's conversation brought a smile to my face. We really bonded for a little moment. But why oh why did he ruin it with that kiss?

And then there was Adrian as well. I had kissed two different guys in the time span of a week, Merlin Eleanor.

Adrian's kiss was different. It was gentle and warm and with permission. Draco just ... did that. And all I could do was freeze up. Never in a million years had I imagined that to ever happen.

And why didn't I hate it?

Sunlight started to peek through the curtains, causing me to grunt. I barely slept. I pushed the covers away from me and stretched my sore muscles. I needed a shower.

I dragged myself to my bathroom and started the shower. Why was life such a mess?

Time went by way too fast for my liking that morning. I had woken up way too early, but suddenly I was rushed by my mother to get into my dress before the Malfoys arrived. Time flies when you're dreading the future moment.

Today's dress was one of my mum's favourites. It was red and structured, reaching just above my knee. It was paired with some pearl jewellery my mum had gotten me when I turned 12. No brunch without pearls, she always said.

I walked down the stairs, pretty much famished already. I had been up early, but hadn't had breakfast due to the brunch situation.

And then the floo network lit up.

Our eyes met very quickly, but it didn't last long before he turned away, jaw clenched. Well this was going to be fun.

"Narcissa, Lucius, nice to see you again", my mother said, walking up to the couple. "Draco, you look dashing." He did indeed look sharp in his all-black suit.

"You look lovely, Narcissa", I said as I quickly pulled her into a hug. She always looked stunning.

"Thank you, darling, so do you", she smiled. I gave Lucius a quick cheek kiss and then awkwardly stood in front of Draco.

"Draco", I said, simply nodding at him. He didn't even look at me.

"Come on, take a seat", my father said, holding out a chair for Narcissa whilst Lucius did the same for my mother. That was tradition for every brunch, lunch or supper we shared. Draco was supposed to do the same for me, but he simply sat down and ignored his mother's stares. So this was how it was going to be. Great.

I sat down and prepared myself for a couple of awkward hours.

"So, Eleanor, how has school been? Ready for your O.W.L's at the end of the year?" Lucius asked.

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