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21 years later

"Are you sure you brought multiple quills? I don't want you borrowing quills from others like last year. If one is broken, send me a letter and I'll send you a new one."

"Yes, mum, I got at least seven", Scorpius sighed as we walked along Platform nine an three-quarters. I took a deep breath as we halted near the Hogwarts Express.

"And enough jumpers? It gets really cold in the castle at night."

"Yes, mum, I also got enough jumpers. You asked that already. It's my third year, I know how cold it gets."

"He'll be fine, Ellie", Draco laughed, as little Tracey was clinging onto his hand. It would be her first year at Hogwarts, but I knew she had everything she needed in her trunk as I packed it for her. She looked around nervously, not knowing many other kids yet.

"Sorry", I smiled as I pulled my boy into my arms. "I'm just going to miss you so much. I want you to have fun at Hogwarts."

"I'm sure I will", he said, quickly showing me the Skiving Snackbox inside his coat which we had gotten when visiting Fred and George's shop last week.

"Scorpius, I told you those were for at home only!" I said disapprovingly.

"Daddy told me I could bring them!" he shrugged. I looked back at Draco who was grinning at me amusingly. You're a pain in the arse, I mouthed at him, which only made his grin wider.

"Just don't get into trouble, not like last year, okay? You're doing Slughorn's head in." I looked back at Scorpius, pulling his coat straight.

"I won't, I won't, can I go find Albus now?" he sighed.

"Yes, but I'm going to need one more hug. I won't be seeing you until Christmas", I said. He nodded and quickly gave me a hug before running towards the Hogwarts Express.

"Now it's your turn, little one", I turned to Tracey, who was still clinging onto Draco's hand. Scorpius was very much like Draco back in the day, just as blond, but far less mean. He did get into trouble way more often than I would have liked as two of his friends were the two twin boys of Fred Weasley and his wife. They were good kids, though.

Tracey was very much like me. She was more reserved and liked things like drawing, painting and reading, but she was a feisty one. She almost always won when arguing with Scorpius, even though she was two years older. She had also inherited Draco's blonde hair, but it wasn't as light. A little bit of my dark locks had coloured it a deeper blonde. She even looked a little bit like her, like Tracey Davies.

"D'you reckon I'll get into Slytherin too?" she asked, walking up to me.

"I'm not quite sure to be honest", I smiled. "You're definitely cunning, but you're also incredibly smart. You could be a Ravenclaw, or maybe a Gryffindor, because you're feisty, but you're kind like a Hufflepuff. It doesn't matter what house you get sorted into, Trace."

Draco and I had decided to raise our kids without any prejudice. No blood status prejudice, no house prejudice and no good or bad prejudice. We taught them very little about their ancestors, as they were no people they should look up to. Narcissa and Lucius came over often and they had struggled with that idea for quite a while, but they came around eventually. Even Draco came as far as saying that Gryffindor was a respectable house.

"Hugo and Roxanne are convinced that they'll be sorted into Gryffindor", Tracey said. That wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, as they were respectively Hermione and Ron's and George and Angelina's children. They'd definitely be Gryffindors.

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