Chapter 65 - I like it when you call me love

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Don't judge people for the choices they make when you don't know the options they had to choose from.

- Reone Rajput

"Hey, are you still up?" I asked as I put my hands on Draco's shoulders. He was sitting on one of the couches in the common room, in front of the fire, reading a book.

"I am, I thought you were hanging with Daphne and Tracey tonight?" he asked.

"I did, but they went to bed and I can't sleep, so I figured I'd see if you were still up." Draco checked his watch, realising that it was almost midnight already. He looked around to see that he was the only one left in the common room. I put the box I was carrying on the table and climbed over the couch to sit down next to him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"What are you reading?" I asked curiously.

"Just something for the Defence Against the Dark Arts essay that's due next week. Not very interesting", he shrugged, closing the book and putting it on the table.

"What did you bring?" he asked as he spotted the box I had placed there.

"That can't be revealed for another ...", I checked my watch, "nine minutes." I smiled. It was the fourth of June, just a few minutes before midnight.

"Did you get me a gift again?" he chuckled, putting an arm around my waist. "I promise I'll get you one this year."

"I had to make sure Pansy didn't beat me to it this time", I said, thinking of this day last year. Pansy really hadn't been that difficult ever since, which I was very grateful for.

Draco laid down on the couch, pulling me with him. I laid my head on his chest and gently traced patterns on his shirt.

"You're all I need, Ellie", he hummed, his hand absentmindedly running up and down my arm. I smiled at those words. Draco was doing so much better than in the first few months of the year. He had fully recovered from Harry's curse and now all that was left ... was the task.

I hadn't murdered Harry Potter like I had promised myself I would, but I hadn't let it go by unnoticed, though. The day after the incident, I had punched him in the face. It resulted in a bloody nose, but he hadn't ratted me out. He seemed to feel a little guilty about what had happened, as he should. After that, I hexed him every time we crossed in the hallways, to the point where he found the nearest corridor to escape in every time he saw me. I finally understood Tracey's hatred for the boy.

"I feel like I should have a cute nickname for you too", I mumbled eventually. Draco always called me Ellie and I loved it. I knew that something was wrong when he didn't. But Draco was just ... Draco.

"You really shouldn't", Draco chuckled. "Most people call me Malfoy anyway, so you're already special. I don't need a nickname."

"I think you do", I grinned, the sleepiness starting to make me a little loopy. "How about Dragonboy or Honey butter biscuit or Captain Handsome or Drackey-Poo like Pansy used to say, or ...", I was really having fun with this, coming up with the most terrible nicknames I could think of.

"Or princess, or Cutie patootie or ... or ... ferret boy", I laughed. "Yes, I think I'll stick with ferret boy."

"Sof off", Draco laughed, wrapping his other arm around me too. "You're terrible at nicknames." He buried his face in my hair, placing a soft kiss on my neck.

"You just don't have a fun name to turn into a nickname", I said, gently weaving my fingers through his hair. It was quiet for a long time, but I was perfectly fine where I was.

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