Chapter 31 - It was like a drug, addictive and highly illegal

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Today my forst is dark. The trees are sad and the butterflies have broken wings. 

- Raine Cooper


I only saw Eleanor once more during Easter break, when her family came over for supper. She wore one of those dresses my mum had bought for her. Structured and modest, but somehow very alluring.

And it was torture. Although I'd never admit it, Eleanor was properly attractive. She made me want to kiss her.

At school it was easy to get her alone. Every Monday and Thursday we were alone for at least an hour. Patrol suddenly seemed a whole lot more interesting than it had been in these past few months.

But at home, not so much. My parents would interrogate me into the depths of the Earth if I suddenly started hanging out with her and I'd prefer them not to ask questions. The developments between Eleanor and I were purely physical and I knew my mum would start planning the wedding if she found out.

This was just fun for a little while, we both knew that.

But that didn't mean that it was any less frustrating to ignore her that day. It used to be a breeze, but it was different now. It was like a drug, addictive and highly illegal.

Just for fun, but I wasn't ready to give up that fun just yet.

So when the train rolled out of King's Cross station again, I had about enough of it. The train was almost empty anyway as very few students went home over Easter break. So Eleanor Selwyn definitely wouldn't choose to sit with someone if other options were available.

I strolled through the hallway, glancing in every compartment. I found her somewhere in the middle, her nose in a spell book.

I slid open the door, which caused her eyes to shoot up. The corner of her lips went upwards very shortly.

"Malfoy, to what do I owe this pleasure?" she asked, putting her book away. I closed the door of the compartment and cast the disillusionment charm. I didn't need anyone seeing us together. I walked over to her and put my hands on the wall on either side of her face. She didn't seem fazed, like last time. She just cocked a brow and stared back intensely.

"It's been a little hard to get you alone, Selwyn", I whispered. Her eyes darted to my lips for a millisecond and I knew that she was thinking the exact same thing.

"People could walk in, don't", she said, glancing at the door.

"Taken care of that", I said, lifting up her chin with my index finger.

"You think you're so desirable, don't you?" she said, standing up to minimize the height difference. She wasn't short, but still smaller than me.

"Am I not?"

In a swift second she had turned the tables. She pushed me down onto the seat and leaned over like I had done to her. I was surprised to say the least.

"You've still got a lot to learn", she said softly, moving slightly closer. I smelled it again. Her scent of white roses and fresh mint, but there were no berries this time.

"Then teach me", I whispered before closing the gap.

I held her waist tightly and pulled her onto my lap. The kiss displayed hunger and a whole lot of desire. How could a girl that I disliked provoke such a wanting?

She pulled away gently and trailed small kisses along my jawline. Her lips were so incredibly soft and I never wanted them to leave my skin. I gently put my hand below her jaw and brought her back up to my lips. She was a drug.

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