Chapter 75 - Battle of Hogwarts Pt 2

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"Petrificus Totalus!" I yelled as I jumped over a piece of rock that had fallen down. I had arrived right in time as Death Eaters slowly started apparating into the school. I had to find some friends to fight with. I wasn't safe on my own.

I ducked in a hallway as a curse soared past my ear and quickly ran up the stairs, three steps at a time.

"Stupefy", I yelled at a Death Eater before jumping into another corridor, running through it before turning another corner.


I looked up, surprised to be met by Draco's silver eyes. Behind him was Blaise, Potter, Weasley and Granger.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were evacuating?" I shouted at him, putting a hand on his cheek to check if he was alright.

"Trying to boycott us, that's what the git was doing", Weasley sneered. I looked at Draco, but he avoided my gaze, signaling that they were right.

"Reducto!" Granger called out. I looked behind me to see the Death Eater being blown away.

"Okay, what do you need me to do?" I asked her, gripping my wand. "I'm here to help." Granger smiled at me shortly, wiping some blood from her cheek. She then looked at Harry, who was as white as a ghost.

"We need to go to the Shrieking Shack, right now", he mumbled out of breath.

"Just help us get there, okay?" Hermione said. "Fight them off, clear our path. Harry is the only one who can stop this war." I nodded and then looked at Draco.

"Get yourself somewhere safe, Draco. I'm staying and I'm helping them, you can't change my mind about it', I said with a sad smile. I didn't like leaving him behind, but if he just tried to mess with Potter and his friends, he wasn't really helping.

"I'm not leaving you", Draco said, stepping in front of me.

"I made my choice, Draco, now it's your turn." I looked to Granger, who nodded at me. I took a deep breath. This was it.

And then I felt Draco's hand in mine and when I looked back, he seemed determined, jaw clenched and a glint of excitement in his eyes.

"Fuck it", he smiled. "If I die tonight, at least it'll be with you."

"We're not going to die, Draco, we're going to kick some Death Eater arse", I winked. He grinned and quickly kissed me before we ran back out onto the battlefield.

"Duck!" I yelled and Draco did what I said as I blasted a curse over his head to the Death Eater that had apparated in the corner. Potter, Weasley and Granger were close behind us, trying not to get hurt or killed.

"Confringo", Potter shouted, keeping another Death Eater at bay.

"Bloody spiders!" Weasley murmured as a group of spiders made their way up the stairs.

"This way!" I shouted as I led them away from them, jumping over another pile of rubble.

"Ron!" we heard. At the other end of the hallway, one of the Weasley twins and another one of their brothers were fighting off their own set of Voldemort supporters.

"Fred, Percey!" Ron laughed, joining them. We formed a circle, blocking Death Eaters from every angle.

"Long time no see, Selwyn. No ex-boyfriends to make fun of this time?" Fred grinned.

"You know Eleanor Selwyn?" Ron frowned. He really didn't like me whatsoever.

"Yeah, she's cool", Fred shrugged, casting a spell at a last Death Eater that tried to sneak up on us.

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