Chapter 56 - She stood out, like a wildflower between dozens of roses

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I knew I was lacking love for myself when I expected people to recognise my hurting and make it a priority to save me. I needed to save me.

- Mia

"Daisy?" I called for the house elf. I didn't usually call for her when it came to such matters, I didn't request her often in general, but I had barely spoken to my mother and I'd like to get through the night without an awkward conversation with her.

"Yes, Miss Selwyn?" she asked as she appeared in the doorway to my room.

"Could you please help me tighten my dress? I can't reach it properly", I said.

"Certainly, Miss Selwyn", she said. I kneeled down so she could reach the back of my dress and sucked in again. The elf gently pulled on the ribbons.

"You can pull them tighter, as tight as you can, actually", I chuckled at how careful she was being.

"Daisy doesn't want to hurt Miss Selwyn", she said quietly.

"Don't worry, Daisy, I'm used to it", I said. I was quite used to it and I didn't mind corset dresses that much. They were highly uncomfortable, yes, but they made me look stunning.

"Come on", I encouraged her. "Three, two, one." I sucked in again and Daisy now pulled on the ribbons much tighter, securing the corset.

"Thank you so much, Daisy", I said, taking the ribbons from her and carefully tying them in a knot, hiding the excess behind the body.

"It's no problem at all, Miss Selwyn", she said and skipped away. Daisy wasn't around often as my mother let her do all kinds of errands, but I quite liked her. She was very innocent, so pure.

I stood up slowly, as swift moves were no longer possible and straightened my dress. I had put some of my hair up with some pearl pins and curled the rest of it. I wore some silver jewellery I had gotten from Narcissa a couple years ago and the heels we had bought in Diagon Alley.

I knew Draco was going to be there tonight, and he'd sure regret his actions of the past months once he'd see me in this attire.

"Come on, Eleanor, we're almost late", my mother said when she passed my room. I quickly put on some perfume and followed her out.

Usually my dad would wait at the bottom of the staircase, following my every step as I walked down. He'd tell me how proud of me he was and what a beautiful daughter he had. He wasn't there this year. I didn't always get along with my father, but every year he took the time to tell me that he was proud of me.

This year no one would tell me how pretty I look and how proud they are, certainly not my mother.


I checked the entrance for the hundredth time, but she still wasn't here. I didn't quite know if I was looking forward to it or if I was dreading it. I usually enjoyed seeing her, but that's exactly why I also dreaded it this year. I'd have to put up my best act again and I didn't feel like doing so anymore. I wanted to be the one she arrived with, I wanted to get her a drink and ask her to dance and I wanted to tell her genuinely that she looked absolutely beautiful.

And it was frustrating that I couldn't.

"Draco, you're slouching again", my mother said softly. I straightened my back, trying to focus on the conversation at hand. My mother was talking to Theo's father, but he himself had gone off with some random girl I didn't know.

"Look, there is the Greengrass family", mum said. I looked at the entrance to see Daphne walk in with her parents and sister. Her arm was hooked linked with a boy I vaguely recognised. He seemed about our age, maybe a little older, but I couldn't remember him attending Hogwarts.

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