Chapter 3 - You're overstepping your boundaries

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If the  whole world was blind, how many people would you try to impress?

- Baoona Mohamed

"So, I heard you and your friends are throwing a little party tonight." I looked up from my essay, straight into Adrian's mesmerizing green eyes.

"My friends are, not me. Prefect duties", I shrugged.

"Aha, your turn tonight? You'll miss all the fun. Can I sit?" I nodded and put my quill down. My essay suddenly wasn't interesting anymore.

"Well to be honest, will there be any fun when I'm not there?" I smirked, making him chuckle.

"Fair point, I had kind of hoped you'd be there." I squinted my eyes, trying to figure out what his deal was. Was he flirting? He knew very well that I was unavailable.

"And why is that, Adrian?" I asked, trying to screen his reaction.

"No particular reason." He threw me one last wink before he left me alone. I looked at my watch. Just ten minutes before curfew. I stuffed my books in my bag and left the library.

On my way to the common room, I bumped into my two friends, who had gone absolutely mad. They both were on their way to the common room from the kitchen, both struggling to hold everything they had brought, which was mostly Firewhiskey.

"You are fifteen years old ... That's a terrible idea", I sighed.

"Oh are you going to snitch on us, little miss prefect?" Tracey grinned. I shook my head with a sigh and entered the common room. I decided to freshen up a little before going out and patrolling the hallways.

When I came down, most older students had already gathered in the common room. I was a little bummed that I would miss all the fun, but there would be other parties and I could not miss my first night of patrol.

I noticed Malfoy sitting in one of the couches, surrounded by some of his goons. He did not seem to have any intent of leaving the spot. A fourth-year girl kindly moved out of the way as I reluctantly made my way to the group.

"Malfoy, you realise we've got patrol, right?" I said, crossing my arms. He looked up and almost immediately rolled his eyes.

"Oh, you got a date with the Selwyn girl, Malfoy?" Goyle smirked.

"I suggest you shut that mouth of yours, Goyle", I snapped. "Or I'll make sure you understand the real meaning of my last name."

Goyle shrugged, taken aback a bit, and slowly backed away.

"Using daddy's last name to impress people now, Selwyn?" Malfoy said, rising from his seat. I hated that he was much taller than me, because he often used it to his advantage.

"My last name, thank you very much", I sneered. The Selwyn name had a long history and the respect it had nowadays was created by the long list of my ancestors, but it was also my last name. It was my legacy. "And I suggest you show a bit of respect."

"I have no respect for you, so stay out of my way and stop bothering me." I clenched my jaw to bite back a retort. It was useless anyway.

"I suggest you watch your back from now on, Malfoy", I said very silently, almost a whisper. I then turned around and walked away.

"Are you threatening me now, Selwyn?" he called, but I didn't respond. He had no idea.

He had been annoying the past years, but this year he really got in my hair. He was infuriating. I didn't even know I possessed the ability to despise someone so much, but he proved me I did.

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