Chapter 47 - It's dangerous to have things that you cherish

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People don't like it when the flames becomes a wildfire. Fuck them, burn anyway.

- Erwin Van Vuren

I had delayed going to Diagon Alley as long as I could, for multiple reasons really. The biggest reason was to avoid the stares. I usually got a couple looks when I was spotted in a public place, just because everyone knew the Sacred Twenty-Eight and therefore knew of my existence, but these looks were different. People knew.

A couple days into the summer vacation, the Daily Prophet had released a list of the Death Eaters that had been captured and sent to Azkaban. My father's name was among them, so everyone knew for sure that he was one of them, meaning that I would be on their side too.

In Slytherin house this wouldn't be a big deal, as most of the house favoured the dark side. It would probably even amplify my status. But every time I made eye contact with a Hogwarts student of another house, all I could see in their eyes was fear, and I hated it. Sure, I wanted to be respected and I liked the superior status I had acquired over the years, but I didn't want people to be scared of me. I had no intentions to hurt any of them.

I only had one hour to gather my books before the train would leave, so I quickened my pace and made my way to Flourish and Blotts.

My mother had decided not to bring me to the station. She had started talking to me again after I told her about the little task Lord Voldemort had given me, but she still thought I was being stupid by not being honest about my relationship with Draco. I explained to her that I did that to not risk my life, but she simply responded with If you're not ready to risk your life for such an important cause, you're not worthy of it. So she did speak to me again, but that was as far as she would go.

It didn't matter. I had to survive this school year and then my father would be back, so she had someone else to complain to.

I grabbed the books I needed and went over to the register. It was quite busy, I suppose there were a lot of last-minute shoppers. Most people didn't dare to visit Diagon Alley with the recent events in mind. Ollivanders had been destroyed, many shops had closed and Knockturn Alley was more alive than ever.

I noticed a tall boy with messy dark-blonde hair in front of me, sporting a new set of Gryffindor robes.

"Well, if it isn't Benjamin Evans. Long time no see", I said. Benjamin turned around surprised and smiled shortly. He was accompanied by his sister and her boyfriend, Oliver Wood. He was captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team a couple years ago. They didn't smile.

"Come on, Benji, we're up", Wood said and pulled him with them to the register. I took a deep breath and forced the usual Selwyn mask on my face.

Benjamin looked around once more, an apologetic look on his face, but I knew that I had just lost a friend. I was blaming my parents in my head, but I was no different. I had spoken to the Dark Lord, called him "my lord" and tried to be in his good graces. I was on that side and Benjamin wasn't. Opposites attract to some level, but a wall had been built and there was no way to break through it.

I checked out and put the books in my bag. My father had given it to me for Christmas two years ago. It was charmed with an undetectable-extension charm, allowing me to fit as much into it as I wanted without it growing in size or weight.

I walked towards Borgin and Burkes, where I could take the floo network to Kings Cross Station, and passed the most successful shop in town: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. It had only opened a couple months ago, but it had been an astounding success. I had always admired the twins for their creativity and bravery, but I had never expected them to pull off something as extraordinary as this. It radiated happiness in the streets laced with doom.

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