Chapter 37 - We were like two sides of a magnet

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You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants a magical solution to their problems, and everyone refuses to believe in magic.

- Alice in Wonderland

I knew Daphne would come talk to me sooner rather than later. She was too intelligent not to do so. She knew that the awkward tension wouldn't be beneficial for anyone and that Tracey was not loving the middle position either. I just hadn't expected her to make that decision so soon.

It was right after Care of Magical Creatures. I had gone to the lake for a while since the library was always too crowded before supper and the weather was very pleasant again. I was so absorbed by my Astronomy book that I hadn't noticed her sitting down next to me.

"I thought we could use a talk", she said, finally causing me to notice her presence.

"Daphne", I said, slightly startled, putting away the book.

"Can I just ask how long it's been going on?" she asked, looking at her folded hands. I knew that she would freak out again if I told her about the Ministry's Ball.

"I guess ... In some ways it's been going on all year, but I didn't really realise it until about a week ago."

She frowned, not sure what I meant.

"Can I just explain everything, from beginning to end?" I asked and she nodded, so I did.

I told her how we had been around each other more this year due to the patrols, but that it ended badly in most situations. I told her how much I genuinely hated him at the beginning and eventually, I also told her about the Ministry's Ball. I told her how confused I had been and how I hadn't expected that to happen at all. I told her that I didn't tell her about that kiss because I didn't want anyone to know that such a thing had happened with the guy I hated. I told her about how he helped me with the Adrian situation and how after that, things suddenly seemed to change. I told her everything.

"I tried to stay away from him, Daphne, I really did, because I knew that it would hurt our friendship. But every single time I couldn't do it", I said, my voice slightly shaky.

"Why did you kiss him then, just to test his feelings?"

It was a question I had refused to answer ever since it happened, but I knew very well why I did it, I just didn't want to believe it back then.

"I think that inside, I knew that I had some sort of feelings for him and it was just an excuse for me to act on them. But back then I did everything to convince myself that it wasn't like that and that I didn't have feelings for him. I thought I could stop it before it became serious."

"Serious or not, Eleanor, that's something that you should have told me. You would let me live my life, not knowing that my best friend made out multiple times with the boy that was making me believe he was interested in me?" she said, shaking her head. I really hadn't realised how badly I had messed up until now, but the facts were all there and I had screwed up terribly.

"At first I didn't tell you because I didn't want to admit to myself that it was something real. I only really realised that I had genuine feelings for him when you and him went out on that date to Hogsmeade. And you looked so happy then. I couldn't possibly ruin that for you. I didn't think he felt the same."

"You just made me feel so stupid, Eleanor", Daphne said. "Sure, I knew Draco didn't like me all that much, but the fact that you let me get my hopes up whilst you were snogging him behind my back is a terrible thing to do, you know?"

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