Chapter 19 - Washed away like sandcastles with the tides

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Before she became fire, she was water. Quenching the thirst of every dying creature. She gave and she gave until she turned from sea to desert. But instead of dying in the heat, the sadness, the heartache, she took all of her pain and from her own ashes she became fire.

- Nikita Gill

The relief I felt when the train had finally rolled out of London was indescribable. It was over, thank Merlin.

The rest of the break had been absolutely dreadful. Malfoy had simply ignored me completely and Narcissa tried to pry information out of me. I was not the problem.

Daphne was going on and on about her winter holiday, but I could barely look at her. The boy she had a massive crush on had kissed me.

"So, how were your holidays with the Malfoys?" Tracey asked.

"Dreadful as usual. Narcissa did get me a new watch, which is nice", I said, admiring the silver piece around my wrist. I was in desperate need of a new one after my last one got ... a little melty.

A group of Slytherins passed and I noticed Adrian among them. We had sent a couple letters over the holidays as it was a nice break from Malfoy all the time, but I hadn't seen him at all.

The train ride was excruciatingly long as usual and when we got back, all I wanted to do was sleep. Luckily it was Sunday, so no patrol today. But I was pulled aside before I could make it to the common room.

"Hello darling", Adrian smiled, gently pulling me into an empty corridor.

"Adrian Pucey, you're playing with fire here, interrupting a woman on her way to her bed", I said, causing him to chuckle.

"Have you got a few minutes to spare for me?" he pouted, carefully taking my hands in his. I liked his touch. I liked him.

"Depends on how you're planning to spend that time", I said, gently pulling him closer. I was doing exactly what I promised myself not to do. I was letting myself fall for him. This was a stupid idea.

But when his smiling lips met mine, I forgot all about the doubts in the back of my mind. They were washed away like sandcastles with the tides.

"You have to say," he whispered when he pulled away, "that my perseverance paid off."

"Depends on what your goal is", I said, but I couldn't help the smile from showing.

"Hmm I think I'm going to make you mine, Eleanor", he whispered. "Whatever it takes." The butterflies in my stomach were having a party and I had a hard time keeping it together. I softly kissed him again, very shortly, before pulling away.

"Good luck with that", I whispered before walking away.

And at the other end of the hallway stood Draco Malfoy, a scowl on his face. But he walked on before I could say anything.

I finally reached the common room, where I found Tracey and Daphne on the couches in front of the fireplace.

"They you are, Lea", Tracey chimed. "Where were you? Suddenly you were gone."

"Oh just had to take care of something", I said. I would tell them about Adrian, but not in the common room.

"Or you can just tell the truth, Selwyn. Just tell them you were snogging Pucey", Malfoy said suddenly, appearing behind me.

"Shut your mouth, Malfoy", I hissed, checking if anyone else had heard him

"Oh can't they know that you had your tongue down Adrian's throat", he retorted, stepping closer to intimidate me.

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