Chapter 64 - The two of us weren't meant for happiness, it was not in our blood

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I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.

- Joshua Graham

I woke up stat as I felt his hand move. I looked up, but he didn't seem to be awake, simply stirring in his sleep. I gently rubbed my thumb over the back of his hand.

After my shower, I had gone to the Hospital Wing right away. Madame Pomfrey didn't want me to see him yet, but I could be very scary if I wanted to. Eventually, she let me in and I had been sitting next to his bed ever since.

Madame Pomfrey told me that he'd be just fine. The counter-curse Snape had used had healed all the wounds. He was only left with some minor scarring that would fade over time. His body still needed to recover from the very stressful moment, which is why she had given him some Sleeping Draught. He wasn't going to wake up anytime soon, so I just laid my head down on the side of the bed, trying to get a little bit of sleep.

The next time I woke up, the sun was starting to rise, the early rays of sun pulling me from my sleep. I yawned and stretched out my muscles, not breaking my hold on Draco's hand. Madame Pomfrey walked over and quickly inspected his chest.

"He should wake up soon. I'll keep him here for an additional day, but he should be fine", she said before walking off again. I nodded and looked back at Draco, the early sun shedding light on his peaceful face. What a contrast it was from last night.

I felt so incredibly drained. He'll be fine, I kept reminding myself. I didn't know what I would do if I ever lost him. What I felt last night, the helplessness, the anxiety, it was horrifying. I never wanted to experience anything like it again.

I brought his hand up to my lips and kissed it softly. His skin was cold, so I rubbed his hand between mine, trying to warm it up. His eyebrows knitted together very briefly, so I stopped, but he was already awake. He blinked a few times, before opening his eyes, taking in his surroundings.

And then his eyes landed on me and I felt such a relief wash over me.

"Oh thank Merlin", I sighed, standing up. I put my both hands on either side of his face and took in his features that looked a lot more alive than last night. "Thank Merlin you're okay." He smiled weakly and I couldn't help but kiss him quickly. I just needed some validation that he was still here with me.

"What happened?" he asked and slowly sat up, groaning a little at his sore muscles.

"Draco, you should lay down", I said urgently, trying to get him to rest.

"I'm fine, Ellie", he chuckled, rubbing his face.

"The young lady is right, Mr Malfoy, you should rest", Madame Pomfrey said as she walked over again. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good", Draco said, pushing the covers off him.

"You should take it easy for a few days", she said and then she left again.

"You heard her, Draco, you have to rest", I persisted. I knew it was no use, but I'd make sure he didn't get hurt anymore than he already had. Potter was going to regret ever touching him.

"Calm down Ellie, I feel fine, honestly", he said, grabbing my hands, forcing me to look at him. "Instead, tell me how I got here."

"Harry Potter, he, he used some kind of spell on you. There was a whole lot of blood and I thought you were going to die", I said, my heartbeat picking up again when thinking about last night's events.

"But I didn't, Draco said as he noticed my reaction, his thumb gently stroking the back of my hands. I took a deep breath. He is fine, I kept repeating.

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