College lifestyles (mistkaes and fun)

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As child you dreamed of highschool being fun
In reality
"Yo watched  out y/n"
The boys just messing up and throwing each other
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You were stuck study for hrs you came home and just fell on and slept

At the start of high school you tried to fit in and you had a bunch of friends then you got to end you had only one you weren't really outside person you did well in school and stayed way from drugs , alcohol and the large groups who just stay being messy
You never dated you were independent woman , you stayed up to 3 am watching shows that made you feel happy , people made rumours of you since you didn't have boyfriend
You wore baggy clothing stayed making yourself happy

Then college day came along and you had no high hopes you spent time with people who destroyed that fun
You walked in not caring as much
You were taking law
So you wore this

Then college day came along and you had no high hopes you spent time with people who destroyed that fun You walked in not caring as much You were taking lawSo you wore this

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You grabbed your laptop and you headed to class and found your assigned seat and you sat in between three  guys and two girls You paid attention carefully "You guys will be assigned to group work with people sat next to you"-the teacher "Okay clas...

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You grabbed your laptop and you headed to class and found your assigned seat and you sat in between three  guys and two girls
You paid attention carefully
"You guys will be assigned to group work with people sat next to you"-the teacher
"Okay class is dismissed"-teacher
You guys got up and introduced yourself
"so I'm laya A* student and I worked hard"-laya  she had curly hair flowed down  and the tone was very strong , you could tell she don't play games

"Dylan , I play on football team but I can also take home win on a case"-Dylan he stood with confidence and he didn't play any games he looked very serious
"Aiden play for basketball team, got A* in acting so don't try act like you know the facts I can see between lie"-Aiden looked very confident
"Navin, track runner, A* literature I can identify a mistake , so don't try me"-Navin he had pretty eyes but he didn't play games
"Aviana , I spent hrs in competition and extra activities so I have seen innocent kids go down , ain't scared of nothing"- Aviana
It got to your turn
"Y/n, never let anyone rule over me , was always in top 10 the lowest I got was 2nd place , study hard and I have family who work with conniving people , at young age I wasn't even fooled to give them what they wanted and I'm here to end that corruption no one is going to stand in my way"-you said strongly
You guys talked then swamped numbers
Few weeks you guys got along you worked well as a group but you never hanged out , too much
You had other classes and assignments
College life education was the bomb
Then you swapped roommates
"Dear diary , I made some dumb mistakes these semester and all started with my roommate aka my sister now but thanks to here I made truer friends and your gonna be shocked how it turned out"
"Well it started off"
Going back to 6 months ago
"Hey I'm kiara"
"Hey I'm y/n"-you
You guys were very different she was loud and your were loud but you could tone it down she couldn't
She didn't like you and you didn't like her
Later on you had your law study buddies come a long
You were studying and kiara came in
"So without any evidence it's just a hearsay piece"-you
"What if we're missing something"-Aviana
"What if your all just dumb"-kiara
"You know what I'm tired of you , we work butts of to change the world while your ass got attitude for what"-you
"Because you just want the title"-kiara
You were ready to go off but laya jumped in
"First of all b*****, we're all worked hard we didn't have rich mummy who buys her way into school"-laya
She threw water at laya
You and avani ready to jump in the boys grabbed you
"As soon to be lawyers girls come on"-they said
"I'm sue her ass for throwing water on my client unprovoked"-you
"Okay you may be smart but you guys are no fun"-kiara
"Is that a challenge"-Navin
"I challenge you to be able to have fun and pull off getting courses and assignments done "-kiara
"Okay what's in for us"-laya
"I'll sign up for medicine and study more than annoy you"-kiara
"We need to discuss this"-you
You huddle
"You think we got it"-laya
You guys agreed
So you had another assignment and you decided to go to see Dylan play game you got all went to support him and his team won and you went to congratulate him
You were all headed home
"Ahhh we're going to the party"-kiara
"I'm tired I'm trying to sleep"-you
They were with you
"Or drink while studying"-k
"Party all night , what were doing and where going"-you all started singing
You went to the party you never drank because you were scared of being drugged
You were alone and you headed upstairs and sat in a room on the floor
You grabbed out your Cheetos
You were eating
Then guy walked in
"Heyy"-he says looking at you
"Heyy"-you said looking up at him
He sat by you
"You want some"-you put the packet his way
He took some
"I'm jacob"-him
"Yeah I know captain of the football and scored our last two touchdowns for our school"-you
"You watched me play"-Jacob
"Yeah and my name is y/n"-you
"I know the girl in law  class  whose extremely confident, smart  and is supper mysterious"-Jacob
"Come here"-you
You pulled him close to your face
"I thought that's how you liked it"-you whispered as you got up
"You can keep the Cheetos"-you

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