Before i go

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Your crush was leaving town so you spend the whole week crying and scrolling and photos of you too together everyone said goodbye but you thought if you had time to think of what you need to say the last few weeks you kept on arguing but you loved him and I just wanted protect him before he left you had prom
So you had beautiful dress you were gonna wear and you decided your going to be myself
Skip to day of prom
All you listen to was sad music and was miserable the whole time so you decided to get dress

"You look beautiful lemme take few photos"- mum

You fake a smile for the photos then you left in limo with rest of classmates that were not early to dance
Everyone looked stunning you felt like you didn't try but everyone looked at you with amazement
As you arrived you saw all the couples taking photos and it was perfect scenery so you decided to sit a table
Then you saw your c/n having the best time of his live and all your fake friends giving you death glares
Y/n thoughts
This was mistake
Then you got call from internet best friend
"How's prom"- ibf
"Well I wish I was with you and everyone else"- you
"I know , but at least try enjoy it , I know it's hard when your alone "- ibf
"I'll try but I wish I didn't come"- you
"Well just watch Netflix if it's gets worse"- ibf
The call ended
You left the building and just went outside watched Netflix
C/n PoV
"I can't believe the hottie of the town is leaving"- random girl from cheer squad
"Well thank you , I don't want leave either"-c/n

Few hrs went by it got dark so you decided go back in and you say table while dessert was coming out you sadly ate it while the couples danced to a slow song
You decided to ask your cousin to pick you up
She was on way to pick you up then announced the leader of cheer squad as prom queen which you thought would happen then c/n prom king then he made a speech on how happy he is and thanked everyone but you so decided to walkout and he realised it was you
So you walked out quickly with your stuff ran to cousin car
She got you ice cream
"You know what prom might might of sucked but were gonna go to your house take photo shoot at my house ,why waste beautiful day sand dress"-cousin

"i cant argue with that"-you

she took you photos and caption it " i always love who i am no matter how tough"

your insta photos look so good


i miss you so much- ibf




flooded with good comments

c/n pov


prom night was fun but i saw y/n sad i wanted to go up to her but she left

he was scrolling through photos of you at prom

"wow she looks so beautiful, she was alone today"-c/n

he knew where your cousin lived so he drove to her house

your pov

you were and cousin when there was a knock on a door

"you expecting anyone"- you

"nahh , i wonder who it is"-cousin

your eyes were glued on tv

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