Pretty scent

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Y/b/n - your best friend name
Jayden - current boyfriend
C/n - imagine your crush is a famous actor or your celebrity crush
Y/c/n - your favourite cousin name
Y/m- your mother name

Y/b/n - your best friend name Jayden - current boyfriend C/n - imagine your crush is a famous actor or your celebrity crush Y/c/n - your favourite cousin name Y/m- your mother name

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                       Y/n PoV

Incoming call from y/c/n

"Hey are you free this month" she asked extremely exited.

"No , I have two exam on psychology , then I have law and health and social assignments to do" I groan, I actually dislike school but I liked learning so much

"How about next month" she asked trying to be hopeful

"Urm , yes but why" I asked nervously , this the sand girl that got me at this big party bash , I ended up with a Jayden , he was really hot and every girl wanted him .

"So we going to university soon , this chance to get out of your wacky home town" she stated , she knew how much I hated my home town

"There is open day in London"  she suggested

"I'm down , Jayden going too  so this will be so great" I said smiling at thought at my boyfriend he was really generous and will always buy me stuff .

"His going to be there yay" she said annoyed

"You don't like boyfriend" I said getting bit defensive

"You have always have had high standards, he doesn't even match one" she says as I roll my eyes ,
"well his what I want" I whisper to myself , sometimes it felt to be good to be true , I didn't fully feel secure but I feel like I just grow to like him more.

Skip to day of the London university open day we decided to go to one and only Oxford.

The university was beautiful  , it had this library that had cases full of books and had paintings of important history figures , I could only remember few , I really should of paid attention in history class. Dining tables gave off a Hogwarts vibe from the long dining tables and there was also beautiful pieces art hung  up on the wall , I sat down at table I couldn't imagine myself here . As beautiful as it is, it's not for me and I walked outside and I saw my cousin talking to someone , I got closer , oh my gosh

"Y/B/N , YOUR HERE"  I screamed causing bunch of uptight people to look at me weird. I ran up to her and we hugged each other.

She hugged me tight then I saw my childhood best friend by them. Jasmine was my best friend since I could talk , we always do sleepovers and we know each other closes secret she was like sister to me. She was always the prettiest one , my childhood crush ended up liking her , not me , I wasn't mad I was over him .  I just wanted to go university with my best friend and cousin , as jasmine already found her dream university and I was so excited to start studying film and already had my plan in place , which I was going tell jasmine eventually .

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