Bad day

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                       Y/n POV

If today was any worse. I woke up from nightmare and they usually bad , I was going tell my husband this morning but I didn't have time as I saw  I was late to drop y/d/n . Who I found making mess in the kitchen she was trying to make breakfast ended up on the floor . I changed into my hoodie and jeans and had my hair in half pony tail and half down.

I started cleaning after her , then getting her ready making sure her bun was clipped in and wouldn't fall out during day . She would always come back without it in place .  I made her some oatmeal as I cleaned up the kitchen . I was dragging my body to her and to door to make sure she on time but I couldn't stop thinking about that dream and I almost hit pole .

I'm good driver , I needed focus my daughter is at the back I cannot risk it . I got her to school and the teacher I dislike was there she was nice to c/n everyone is in love with my husband it's always.

"Hi c/n" with fluttery eyes.  She saw me dropping my daughter  "why is y/d/n"

"Family issues"

"That means not recess"

"No she have one every kid by law is allowed if they haven't done anything wrong and if I hear you didn't give her one they be meeting between me and you board and I bet love to know how you made tik toks thirsting over my husband"

"No she have one every kid by law is allowed if they haven't done anything wrong and if I hear you didn't give her one they be meeting between me and you board and I bet love to know how you made tik toks thirsting over my husband"

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I couldn't stand her . She thought she was head of school she didn't give my daughter any issues as she wanted to please c/n.  I understand how handsome and charismatic my husband but I didn't need it affect how they wanted to treat my daughter I don't care about me as much , I have dealt with enough b.s.

She gave me tight hug "i love you mummy"

"I love you so much y/d/n" I smiled at her as I saw walk down the hall I felt water fill my eyes. She grown now .

I left school heading to set . As I arrived I saw 10 miss calls from c/n.

I answer as I walk to trailer I trip over rock scraping my leg "mon amour what happened"

"Nothing , I am fine"

"You don't sound like it" I heard worry in his voice

"Well I am" I say defensive
"Why you being short with me"

"I don't have time for this"

"Whatever y/n"

I ended call now I started  little argument with my husband great.  He did nothing wrong I'm in bad mood .
I got to my trailer and tried to be mad ,they cheered me up and I felt so drained . I was always stubborn like I have never had day off due to fact I wanted to show how grateful I was got this job.

After shooting first scene I started muddling my lines and it go so bad my director sent me home but  she had talk with me before I went , I just broke down to her.

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