Not expected pt2

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You were still together you were married to him and he was still nfl and he was at game you felt little sick and you realised you missed your period
You took a pregnancy test it came back positive
You thought about how are you gonna tell him your pregnant then he called you
"Hey bae so me and team going out tonight I want you to come through but don't pull up with way too sexy clothing I don't want team knowing how lucky I am"
"Okay I'll see you in bit love you"
"I love you too"
He ended the call you put on a beautiful dress and did your hair and make up
Drove to place
"Heyy winners"
"Heyy y/n"
"So proud of all of you knew you could all do it I wasn't sure but c/n he did aight"
"Ohh that's how it is"
"I'm pulling  your legs you did amazing I'm not gonna hype your big head up"
He kissed you cheek
"So we're taking shots"
"Actually I'm gonna have to pass on this one I have early shift tomorrow and since I'm driver"
You lied and c/n knew you didn't have work and you never put down at least one glass for team
He got bit worried
You tried to act normal for most of it then you all left as you drove c/n home who was sober since he didn't wanna drink since wanted to have serious conversation
You ran upstairs and you started panicking you didn't know how to tell him
He walked in
"You don't seem okay and you can fool team but I know you ,whats wrong beautiful"
You took deep breathe
"I'm pregnant and I'm so flipping scared because your at peak of your game you could just leave me , I didn't really think nfl players who just started get names out would want a kid especially with me"
You showed him stick
"Y/nnn don't play with me we're having baby ,beautiful it's gonna be mini you and me , I'm not going no where I'm really excited to go baby shopping , be a dad and take l care of you and baby , your beautiful that means kids going to be cutest and the fact you care about what game means to me and forgot about your feelings means you always put people first how do you truly feel"
" I'm excited I just didn't how you gonna react"
"That's why you didn't take a shot or eat anything with stuff certain is not good for baby"
"Yeah but are you sure I have seen my mum raised me by myself"
"And she did amazing job like your most down to earth person but I wanna be there for my baby most specially I'm not leaving you why on your earth would you think  that gorgeous"
"I overhead you saying that you didn't want kid right now
"But now you are pregnant I'm not mad at you I'm excited"
He hugged you
"So you really not going nowhere"
"Nowhere else than here I wanna be"
"But I'm definitely gonna be cool parent"
"Your funny it's so gonna be me"
"Oh youu wanna bet"
"Nahh I already know that" you started dancing being silly
"If you are baby mama" you started singing getting lit
"You have audacity to have my baby in your stomach"
You we're so confused
"To not give me kiss , you think I didn't see you giving affection to everyone else  but  me no it's cool it's all over insta  I don't want you talk me to unless it's about my kid"
You ran up to him hugged him kissed him he kept on backing off lie he didn't want it
You kept on playing until he let you kiss him
"Still have game"
"Baby in my stomach doesn't stop me"

"I'm just looking out for competition"
"You won game to my heart already"
"Plus you can't stay mad at me if I smile like this"
"Come here"
He started swaying you

Few weeks later bump in your stomach and your man had awards show

Few weeks later bump in your stomach and your man had awards show

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