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                          Y/n PoV

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                          Y/n PoV


I woke up with body feeling  tense ,it was so hard to get out of the bed everything felt sore and my head was pounding but my little baby is sneezing next door . I get up trying to move and I feel my legs shake .

I enter her room to see tissue all over the ground and y//dn snuggled into blankets and fast asleep.

"Y/d/n" I whispered

"Mmm I - don't feel - ACHOOO

"Bless you" i says pulling her to me as I feel head "your head is warm I'm going to go get you some medicine and some soup"

"Okay mummy" she said with voice croak

I head downstairs to make soup to see my son chopping some ginger "you sick to" I sniffled

"No , I just thought you may need so help"

"Thank youu" I smile

As I make y/d/n favourite soup "dad called he be home soon"

My husband left before I woke up and I know if he woke up when I did he wouldn't have gone to work , there was time I cut my finger and he insisted that whole day he would cook and I couldn't touch thing .

If he knew I was sick he would probably run over to look after us


I help y/d/n wash up as I wash up and give her some medication and soup
By the time it was six she was little bit better and thank God for that

I was on the couch rubbing her back making sure she was okay and suddenly I felt my eyes close

The door swings open "my beautiful family" my pretty husband states as he sigh in content

As he see his kids he runs up to them and gives them they hugs and kisses until looked y/d/n nose and he looked her with so much concern

"Mon Bebe  your sick"  (my baby ) he says kneeling down and she just nods "want to head bed early"

She yawns "okay "

He carries our daughter  upstairs and she holds to him trying not cough or sneeze

"Mum are you okay you look have it worse than y/d/n and hers is bad , she been quiet all day" my son

Says making me giggle "she has been quiet , I have always just I have been like this when I am sick but how about you go eat whatever dad brought and put on avengers infinity war"

He goes to kitchen to see what takeout my husband brought as he puts Disney + on

"I love this movie"

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