Ex crush or new crush

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As child you thought this guy was your world you used to dream about him being your everything and what it would be like to be with him but then you got bored of that idea and over type you were trying find out what you like in guys you go out time to time
"So y/n how's date last night"
"He was so ,I don't even know I got there my guy"
"Sup babe I'm digging your style"
"He was kinda funny and cute but then my guy started talking more and more I was like his sexist"
"I was like I can't date you cause I'm not strong enough as girl to deal with your bs"
I paid
"How's that's for unequal rights"
"Girl you did not"
"I'm tired of the boys for now I have always enjoyed being single"
"The right guy will come soon and you legit have nice conversation with anyone"
"Well I'm going to spend day to myself tomorrow and will have sleep over later so that we can get stuff together"
"So now she getting her life on track we love to see"
You weren't paying attention to much that you knocked over with coffee
"I'm so sorry , should of looked where I was going"
You looked up to see most good looking guy you ever seen and you knew looks are deceiving but he had dimples and cutest smile
"It's okay I promise I didn't like that coffee anyway"
"I guess owe you another drink I'll take you to my spot cause if your going to be smelling like generic coffee might as well have one taste nice"
"Okay let's go and not you insulting my coffee taste"
"It's not like that I know you could do better"
He said leading you to the car
"Let's walk it"
"you sure it's not far"
"Yeah Cmon"
You walked you had convo by convo
You started making you laugh
"Your really pretty"
"Stoppppp your beautiful like you know boys who are really pretty like your face shape and eyes"
He thought it was so cute the way you got excited
"So I gotta go to work so I'll see around and wait what's your insta"
You gave it to him
"Have good day at work"
"Enjoy self care day and stay safe"
You had so much fun you got back home he texted to see if home safe
Few weeks you both were very close friends and flirted a little bit
So you headed out to party with your friend you and his sister were close then all of sudden you so ex crush was sending heart eyes on your pic talking a lot about you in YouTube videos stuff
You arrived at the party wearing this

As child you thought this guy was your world you used to dream about him being your everything and what it would be like to be with him but then you got bored of that idea and over type you were trying find out what you like in guys you go out tim...

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You were talking to everyone then your ex crush was talking to his friends
Ex crush
Ex crush : " everyone knows I like her I think have a chance and plus she always nice to me and my sister look she is there watch this

He walks confidently to you
"Hey y/n"
"Hey how are you"
"I'm good".
You started having a convo with him and started laughing you lost feelings for him ages ago you weren't entertained he said hi to his friends all hyping him up
You and his sister was talking
Then c/n sister came along you hugged instantly
"I missed you like girl we gottta catch up"
"We have so much to say but oh this ex/c and his friends"
"Nice meeting you all"
"Nice meeting you too"
Your best friend came to get the gossip
Then c/n came in as soon as that one Brent fayiav song came on
He walked by you started singing "You know you belong to me
You can bring your whole squad plus three
You don't like to get told what to do
But you like it when I put you on a leash"
You we're smiling so much he knows how much you love that song
He saw that your ex crush was there so he came him confidently
"Heyy" to everyone he got to you
"So I'm not get a hug"
"Noooo I called you and you were like "wait more level then I'll call you""
"I texted you look"
He handed you his phone
You started smiling but then you stopped
He hugged you
"Y/n I know you wanna hug me don't fight it"
You nudge him lightly
you let in and hugged him
You held quite tighter then you let go
"Y/n you look really pretty" ex crush
"She knows she beautiful don't let her shocked face manipulate you"
He started laughing
"I hate you"
"Love you too"
"How did you I'm not even gonna ask"
"Ex/c come play basketball with me"
"In that dress"
"Yesss I can play basketball in anything"
You both were playing pretty good
Then you both went inside he was trying to cuddle with you so did for few mins as you talked you thought was little connection but the connection with c/n  was so there you got up and said you need fresh air
So you saw him there
"So how's lovebirds going"
"I used to want him I just had to make sure I wasn't catching anything back but he fits with old me more even though his attracted to new me"
"Y/n just be yourself don't force that old you mentality and if doesn't work out he wasn't mean for you"
"Aww that's so sweet"
"Whatever bighead"
"I think fallen for someone else which is way deeper"
"Who is lemme guess yourself"
"Noo  it's a boy"
"That I can't tell you but I'll tell you tomorrow"
"Okay I'll see then"
He took you out to this restaurant 

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