First class

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I saw video on tik tok and first class looks really cool so buckle up.

Y/n PoV

I was so excited my modelling agency is flying to me to New York for fashion show . I used to live in London so I can say big cities can be overrated but so amazing at the same time . It wasn't even about the fashion show as much I was going first class .

As I got to airport I saw bunch parazzi and they were following me up till check out area and me being nice I entertained it as much I could making jokes

"Is true that you miss your ex" they asked

I started laughing so hard and my assistant told me stop but I couldn't help it I dated musician and he cheated on me so I left and found out cheated whole relationship ugh I hate men.

"We heard that few male actors find you beautiful"

I didn't say anything if say I'm flattered the world think I'm conceited

As we got to boarding I was so nervous like Emirates a380 for first time . I got to my suite and I decided to read  as I laid down trying to relax it was going to be long flight  . I fell asleep before getting woken up for dinner and after that I found myself watching movie I want for so long

"Black Orpheus" I heard gentle voice that made me turn
"Yeah , oh my gosh c/n"


We met briefly at an charity event , we had so many friends that new each other he practically worked with my best friends and I worked with his

I pause the movie "so new movie"

"Yeah , I am still shocked you haven't booked one , your cameos on this big movies shows you have lot talent"

"Time , I do miss acting though but anyway you give me private jet vibe"

"I don't like taking one all time , I have only been few times"

"Mmm, care to join me"

"If I am not bothering you"

"Of course not" I say lifting my blankets inviting him to stay as he close door to my suite

As we were watching the movie i found myself smiling seeing the way she dancing "I know actress were treated horribly in the past but wow the way they put all into movie , it makes me grateful every opportunity and want to do best everything"

He smiled at me "I think you do the best at everything, she reminds me of you from what I heard your quite dancer and how beautiful she is"

"She so beautiful" I admire how carefree the characters were portrayed I do same thing on runway walking with confidence getting way from all insecurities I had

"By the way I have new role as main character"

He looked away from tv meeting my eyes "I can't wait to see it"

"It's going to shock you"

"In good way or bad way"

"That I'm not telling you" I smirk as we watch the movie

After the movie ends he leaves to get his hoodie from(your favourite house in Harry Potter) as we were going to watch Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

"Are you ready and I got us some snacks"

I order some popcorn, candy and drinks as we turned of lights as the movie starts I focus on the movie

We look at each other in shock as if we haven't both watched it so many times and I felt our hands touch as we grab the popcorn I felt his warm hands over mine and felt perfectly together as the movie ended I felt my head fall onto his chest

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We look at each other in shock as if we haven't both watched it so many times and I felt our hands touch as we grab the popcorn I felt his warm hands over mine and felt perfectly together as the movie ended I felt my head fall onto his chest

The next morning

I felt my eyes slowly open as I felt warmth next to my body , I turned to my right to see him breathing quietly , he was so pretty his hair fell over his face as I pushed one of his hair behind his ears . As I tried to get up I felt arm pulling me back down

"As much I like cuddling with you , I need to shower"

"Can I join you"

"Sure but no funny business"

I slowly took of my clothed as he turned around "you go in first"

Few seconds he joined me, no I'm not type shower with guy but everyone I know loves him and it sounds stupid but I trust him as water my body he offered to wash my back and I washed my front he wanted make me as comfortable at all

He looked at me "remember how we talking about Mira reminds me of you not because attitude"

I start laughing "because your really beautiful"

"Thank you so much and your beautiful to especially now"

He smirks "well thank you and so do you"

We got all washed up as we got out we changed and I felt cold and I forgot to bring hoodie or jacket

He passed him his Harry Potter hoodie as I put on it smelt like vanilla

"Thank you"

He just smiled "can I kiss you" I asked feeling confident he pulled me in for kiss and I have never has some kiss with so much passion yet gentle at the same time as he pulled back

"Your good kisser"

He laughs "it's easy when I'm kissing girl as gorgeous as you" I didn't hesitant fo kiss him again

"How about we watch liar liar"

"Yeah sure"

Rest of travel we stayed cuddling

The end

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