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             Y/n PoV

I stroll my suitcase to our house  door , trying to figure out where I placed my keys . I search through the pockets of my prada jackets I found it on the left side as I opened door the smell of our scented fresheners , the paintings on the wall I just took few minutes take it all in , it's been so long since I have seen my home.

I closed the door slowly seeing c/n snuggled up with
Y/d/n and I smile with content at my beautiful family , I felt my eyes start close, I honestly just wanted to sleep

I see y/d/n eyes slowly open as she pulls out of her fathers embrace and runs up to hug me as I pick her up and shower  her with kisses on her cheek

"MUMMY"  she screams

"Y/d/n are you dreaming again" my husband yawned

It broke me that she had to dream about it a lot when I was way to feel closer to me

"Daddy look"  she says standing in front of him with hands on her hips

He takes few minutes to open his eyes as his rubs  his eyes trying open them and as his lands  his eyes on me he gets up literally does light jog as I wrap my arms around him and he picks me up allowing my legs to wrap around his waist  as gave me kiss

"I have missed you so much" he whispered into my ear

"I know , I was counting days and I finished early so I wanted to surprise you"

"Well welcome home beautiful" he smiles

"I look like a mess , I have been on flight for 13 hours and I need to shower I feel gross"

"I  am telling even after 13 hours and you kinda of look sleep deprived but you still look really beautiful"

I smile "if you say so , I am going to head up to shower"

He gives me peck as I head my way upstairs to our bedroom I see our bed and a Polaroid photo of us on his night stand which was followed by his diary

I wanted to know what was in there but I honestly need to shower . As I head to our bathroom I look my drained body as I turn on the shower I start to remove my layers of my clothing as I stare at our mirror , I head to the shower as I let water drop on my body I just thought of how peaceful it was I was scrubbing my favourite soaps and listening to my favourite album .

As I finished up I wrapped my towel around me and dried my body as I was apply lotion to my body I decided to read his diary

I look at the day we first met at red carpet

Diary entry

I started off feeling tired I just flew out from shooting few days ago . I woke up to three messages from my manger and my assistant and I decided to get up and get ready . I attempted to look my best , Zendaya kept telling me I should dress my best as there going to be lot of people . She was right there was one person. As I got to red carpet I felt little anxious until I saw Z she was with another girl as I walked closer , I was stunned she was so beautiful  and I could feel her energy radiating and her e/c and her smile could light up a whole room.

I started feel nervous . I walked up and I introduced myself and gave zendaya hug as I hugged the beautiful girl I realised it was y/n , wow she was so much beautiful in person. I saw her on billboards , shows , plays and magazine . I think she was on the cover of vogue . Her angel voice , I don't think she could be any more perfect . Maybe she can.

She gave us quick goodbye as she kissed my cheek I felt my cheeks warm up and I remember asking her if it was okay that she did that , I could see her cursing herself out and I knew she didn't want to make me feel uncomfortable which  happened a lot in this industry. I reassured her that is was okay and decided to kiss her cheek to show her that it's cool .

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