Because i love you

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  Y/n PoV

I walking through the rain because my car broke this morning , my husband assisted to pick up but my independent part of me refused so I decide to catch the train home , now my pumps were weighing me down .

It was important day for him too I didn't want him to know I got him gift . He may have got the change he wanted in his career.

As I dragged my legs to door to my house , I opened it in relief not see my husband straight away . I looked at my face and tried to look as cleaned up  , reapplying my lipgloss.

I got in full and I see his mum and my mum in the kitchen and I hug them and I see a card from his sister on the counter table

I hug both of them and they stand they smiling

"So did he get it" I asked

They look at me "he wants to tell you"

"Where is he ?" I asked

"His on the phone to his dad"

I nod as I grab a cookie and I offer them some snacks from the snack draw and they take what they want

I hear footsteps coming down and he notices me and I see his smile grow as he walks up wrapping his arms around me after I warned him I was wet he didn't care at all he even offered to help dry me up and our nose were touching as he pulled me closer, he smiles directly at me and I pull back "did you get it" i raise my eyebrow

"No , but it's okay"

"You deserved it more than anything" I put my hands on his face

"I am kidding I got it"

"Your being serious right"


I hug him one more time "I am so proud of you"

"Dinner on me"

" I knew your going to do that so I decided to order takeaway , my dad is heading over and my sister is still not sure" he says

"Okay" I say defeated
"You can still treat me" he whispered giving me wink and he gets on his knees and I give him concerned look he takes of my pumps of me while I look at him with admiration not too much , I hated showing affection infront of people but his weak my spot.
He slowly got up took my pumps and bag upstairs
"You don't -

He was already upstairs and his mum smiled at me "he adores and loves you"

"You raised him right" I smile at her

"But you taught him how to love"

I shake my head "he had great example" as I said door rang "can you get that I need to shower before I start to smell"

I ran upstairs to my room to see my husband put his green polo shirt and his sliver chain on and I smile at him as he turns to me "you look really beautiful" I say and he smiles "thank you gorgeous"

"Well I'm going to head to shower"

He looks his about to say something but he stops himself "okay can I get kiss before you do that"

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