Fall 🍂🍁

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Hey welcome back this is long one , since I have been so inactive, I thought to do long story

   Y/n PoV
I hated the fact my whole life was controlled .

It was Halloween next week and I don't celebrate it . I was going to pass time in my room watching movies while time goes by but my family decided to throw trip . I used to have the excuse of being Columbia university and how it affected my social life . It didn't but I didn't want to go and I couldn't got this time since it was my last year.

They thought of bring my number one enemy along and it's bad enough that are family are friends but that does not mean I have to like him .

He is reason why I dislike so many people . He ruins everything . My dad  disliked for very long time from that one night he decided to destroy (something precious)

My face looks disgust as I see his family car pull up , his sister comes up first and I hug her she actually cared and loved people unconditionally. I see her come out in red velvet dress that cling onto curves and hair was cut short.  She smiles at me as she pulls away "are you excited for family dinner"  she asked

"Not even slightest"

I see her dad and mum come out matching in black . I give them warming hugs until I was interrupted by the person who made my blood boil more than anything . I see him all dressed up for once. Everyone walks away as I start to walk inside I follow and I seat by his sister and he was opposite of me I would be lying if I said he was not attractive .

But just because his attractive does not mean he was nice at all . Trust me if having him treat me the way he did as if I don't deserve to be treated with respect. Then nothing could change my mind.

I look up to see him talking to my brother having a conversation .  And they laughing a lot . I start to pick my carrot with my fork . I paid attention to  the conversation slightly.

"Vanessa throwing a party but my parents would not let me go"

"I would go with you but I'm stuffed so that makes your chance less likely" my brother replies

"Mum I think c/n should go to the party" his sister says

"Nope , only if he goes with y/n"

"Yeah my sister has not be out since our trip to Italy"my brother adds on

He rolled his eyes

"Well I don't want to go" I say

"Well then you can't go"

He sighed "y/n"

"Non, demandez poliment et utilisez vos mots, vous devriez savoir comment le faire" I whisper enough for him to hear (No , ask politely and uses your words, you should know how to do that)

He looked at me "Y/n will you like to company me to Vanessa party"

"Sure why not"

We get out from table and we call taxi . I sit at the back with me and I see him looking at me

"Listen up , when you get there you don't know me"

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