Car rides

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C/n PoV

"I hate road trips" my son yelled

"I know , how about we play game" I asked as my son turned his attention to me

"Dad it better be fun , I can't take this" he groaned as he threw his toy on floor

"It will be , whenever I ever disappointed you" I said while laughing at him for throwing tantrum

"We're almost there" I told him

As we start to play the game I just see him smile and I can't help but smile back until my wife calls me .

"Y/n , we're almost there"

"Are you still mad at me" she cried

"No , no and I know you were hurt" I stated , I hate she thinks I'm mad at her , it's opposite I love her.

"Me and y/s/n are close to your aunties house"

"Cousin are waiting for him , I am go out tonight , get out of your hair"

"You don't have to but if you want to" I admitted , I missed her but I wanted her to have freedom

Every time I think of happy time with my wife was time in Venice Italy we caught bought to tour the city and she was admired by views and she wanted be , no camera , no script but nothing . We shared romantic evening . I loved coming back from work and hug from my son from my waist. And bunch of kisses from my wife. I smile , I love my family . I loved being home and is just all laughing and having water fights.

"Okay I talk you to later , I love you so much" she said
"I love you so much , stay safe and text me please"

"I will definitely tell you or you may find blog , your wife dancing on tables"

"No , no stay off tables , beautiful I'm serious"

"I'm try , well I let you continue bonding time but I love you both so much"

"We love you too bye"

1 hour later we arrived to get aunties house and she help us unpack . My son let go off me to run with his cousin , he was so beautiful but of course he is , he got it from his mum. She would argue and say he got it from me.

I sat there talking to y/n family and they loved me so much , I'm glad because I wanted to get her long with her cool family.

I chilled with her boy cousins. They off me beer and I passed I had feeling I was going to be picking her up . But although I didn't drink , I found myself laughing.

My son was too into movie on screen , I realised it was movie did I was younger , I saw him crying as he came up to me.

"Daddy are you okay"

I hug him " I am and it's not real y/s/n but it does happen to people"

"I hope they get better daddy , I hope i can help make change" he blurts out

"You will because you follow after me and your mum"

"Your both my suphereos" he said smiling at me , I hated seeing my child sad but I know that movie touched him when me and my lover aka beautiful wife it also affected her deeply and remember hugging her tight and her tear stains on my top.

He just stayed in my lap talking to me , he was so little but grown and I kinda want him to have sibling play with but I don't want my wife to stop her career and it's her body but maybe little her this time like mini girl version of us.

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