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Y/n PoV
I walk into c/n house to see bunch of barbie CDS and snacks on the table counter

"(Nickname) so your sister raised you right" I say picking up the dvd until I saw little girl with messy pigtails and she stops as she trying figure me out and her smile grew as her mind realised who I was

"Y/N" she practically tackled me as I picked her up " ARI , look at you , oh my gosh you let c/n do your hair"

She stuck her tongue out "you can't leave for long ever again" her voice was so gentle but I could her tiny bit of pain that echoed .

" I try not to , well I got you little gift" I pull out this jewellery set as i see her face glow up and I couldn't help but smile at her smile "thank you , I love you so much"

"I love you so much"

"Ari , I was thinking we could watch another barbie before going out" he scratches his head his turns to me as I look at him .
He runs up to me as I place my head on his shoulder and his wraps his arms tightly around me with squeeze to reassure I was actually there

"Oh my gosh I have missed you" he says I could feel smile on my neck as he pulled out as he kissed my forehead

" I have missed you too , maybe I have to put you in my suitcase"

He laughed and he held my face until he heard a cough

"Okay so can we go to park now" ari asked

"Whatever you want" I tell her

"Okay so you can both pretend to be dating or even married"

I saw his eyes widen as he scratched his neck "W-where this coming from" he asked

"I just want to see something , it's for a project"

"Okay" I said

He looked me "would like to be my fake wife"

"I would love to"

"Let's go to the park" ari said as she looked over at c/n whispered something and he looked at me "she is right"

              C/n PoV

"She so beautiful" ari said looking at her as she grabbed her jacket

"She is"

       Y/n PoV

He took my hand as we left his apartment and I felt him slip his bracelet onto my wrist as he looked at me . "Je pourrais te regarder dans les yeux pour toujours" (I could stare into your eyes forever)

"What did you say" I asked

"I tell you one day"

I just noded as we got into the car I sat the back on the way to park because I just wanted to be with ari , she honestly like my own cousin even though she is c/n , I can't help feel protective and love her with whole my heart.

"So what did you do yesterday"

"Not much but tell me about this new project"

"I wear a lot of dresses"

"Your in THE NEW BARBIE MOVIE" she screamed

"Unfortunately no, but it's good I think you like it"

"I like anything your in"

"Thank you , now let me fix your hair"

I spent most of the ride braiding her hair , I knew they be cameras but I tried make sure to cover her as we left the car

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