christmas love

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The Story start about your last Christmas how your journey to find that cheer you always see and dream of having it and maybe having that little love for special someone
You lived in la for time you never saw why the rest of the world loved Christmas so much , it doesn't mean that you decided to hate on those who did or not celebrated or didnt try to get at it

Child flashback
You were sitting with onesies with hot chocolate and your mums home made pie in your hand watching movies you loved how happy people were in the movie from the skating , taking photos and always being around the Christmas tree then that one couple came and kissed
"Mummy there such cute couple"
"I know that be you one day"
You never answered you just sat there wondering what it would
be like you kinda got lost in your own memories

Back to  the present you were focused on your school and you would write on stories wattpad on the side of romantic books but at school you were totally opposite you played sports and you read stories that were based on reality and crime , so you  were having all these mixed personalities,  you were very likeable for the most of it and you tried  to help others. You had good three friends you spent most your of time with and you had friends that were boys at your school that you consider brothers"

You would sing on the low  people catch you were like" meee I can't sing to save my life"
And you spend most time by yourself trying become best version of you of course you felt insecure it's apart of human nature but you weren't gonna let anyone build you up you wanted to do it yourself almost like everything else in life.

You were in your dorm you which looked like this

You got on face time with your friends "So I know we have all been busy""Guess were going this Christmas""I'm down with whatever"- you said so unbothered"New York""Are you serious""Okay so when do we leave" -you weren't really excited at all"3 wee...

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You got on face time with your friends
"So I know we have all been busy"
"Guess were going this Christmas"
"I'm down with whatever"- you said so unbothered
"New York"
"Are you serious"
"Okay so when do we leave" -you weren't really excited at all
"3 weeks before Christmas and we're gonna get in the Christmas sprit"
"Okay I'll call you guys later"
Skip to the week for you to leave you were in biology you were making notes
"So what are you doing for Christmas" guy friends asked you
"I'm going to New York"
"NEW YORKKK" he whispered shouted
"Y/n why aren't you excited city of dreams"
"Especially Christmas there is beautiful"
"I don't know I have lives Cali almost all my life I don't see what can beat the sunset and the lights"
"Y/n knowing you I know you love the landscapes I'm telling you right now I know your gonna get invested"
"My friends are only going to found the Christmas love or sprit I don't know if it's for me"
"Y/n you got live a little , Cmon little sis your always working hard we know your fun but don't either guys get to see that fun side"
"maybe I don't know"
"Promise me to  not hold on back"
"Aight cause I love you all ,don't say I said that"you got really defensive sad as a joking way
"We love you too and not peep about what we said"
You guys just had your usual convos
On the day of  you leaving took a video
"We may do something down there but have fun love I don't know if that could change you or the Christmas sprit but it could be better there I don't know and I try the hot chocolate their for sure "
you were on plane with your friends you had this sick feeling but you being you were acting calm on the inside as you landed you strolled your suitcase to hear so many different accents and you went to your rented house as you were  so tired from the plane, you did quick look at it then fell asleep you fell asleep and you woke up in the middle of night and wrote
You wrote list of things to do you once you settled
You woke up next day to see the views and thought it was pretty
You headed to library you thought tis season read Christmas book
You picked a book you knocked some books off this guy came helped you put them up and he was really cute and you talked and him was really funny
"Heyy babe"
"This y/n"
"Y/n this my girlfriend"
You hugged her she was pretty and their really suited each other so you continued to do you explore New York the decorations was so beautiful , you decide to go get some of your own and the workers so enthusiastic you felt little happy as you hanged your decorations you tried to play Christmas music then your friends came in
"Y/nnn this you"
"Might as well try"
"We saw this beautiful boy but he has a girl"
"Shut up the same thing happened"
"Y/n seems so chill about it though"
"Why should be mad we're in New York with my sister and it's Christmas"
You guys all sat down watch a Christmas movie
"Awww that's so cute"
"Their are"
"Y/n believes in love"
Their never knew about your stories or that side to you , you were very close with your friends but not to much about your feelings
"Alright I'm head to bed"
"My next thing is to go to get hot chocolate tomorrow let's see then"
You got comfortable in your blankets and just looked at the view and you looked to sky thank God and fell asleep
You woke up and got ready and stayed in few and  read your book then later you  headed to cafe get hot chocolate and then guy standing there brought you cookies

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