Long day

208 5 4

Y/n PoV

I  get out of my car opening the door to my house , I just want to sleep on the floor , today was so long .
I had to do a reading table on way to there was guy cat calling me constantly until I gave him the middle finger  then when I was practising my stunt as I landed on the wrong side causing pain to my right hip during one of shoots.

I missed my meeting which I had 4 hour lecture from my manger and my coffee spilled over my dress as I was walking past my assistant and she apologised numerous times , it doesn't help that blogs about me calling me bad mother and wife.

As I opened door I see my son and daughter on the couch and I smile as they are at peace , it reminds me why I want to work so hard. I head to the kitchen to see a note

I know your probably tired from working so hard , so I fixed you a plate and if your seeing this I probably headed to bed but there's food in microwave and I got your favourite drink but I love you so much beautiful

(His initials) xxx

I smile reading note , I love him so much , I remember the first week when y/s/n was born and I was so drained from feeding and taking care of the baby. He saw me struggling at the bottom stairs took the baby out of my hands and made sure I slept even though I felt bad not taking care of my kid , he assured me that his our son and his meant to be his responsibility too . All times I came tired home he would be quick to help me out of my heels and give me his attention when he could .

I heated my food and pour myself a cup as I go sit on the floor allowing my kids to sleep I put the tv quietly.

"Mmm" I hummed , the food was really good and it was exactly what I needed

As I finished up went to clean up my plates , turn off the tv as I carried my two kids to bed

"Mummy" y/d/n yawned

"Hey love" I smile at her as her small hands grip on my shoulder and the other shoulder is occupied with y/s/n head.

I take them to they shared bedroom as I tuck both in I feel y/s/n hand hold mine


"Mmm" I replied

"I love you"

"I love you too"

I kiss their foreheads as I leave I turn off lights. I walk over to my room as I turn on lights I see my beautiful husband cuddle up with blankets. How can one be so pretty while sleeping ?

I head to the shower and got my hair washed as quick as I could because wash day for me was like whole workout .

I let water wash over my body and I see a little mark on my right hip.

"Ughh" I groan as I get out and wrap a towel around my body as I start my face routine I just wanted to be in his arms , all day I thought about him, I just craved him.

I put on my night dress and smiling walking to our bed as I turn of lights I put on my lamp  as I put my glasses on to make sure that everything on desk was okay . Then I felt him moving around and I put my glasses off . Everything goes little blur as it been a minute since wear my glasses and I lay down as I turn to turn off lights.

I feel him move him close to him as I turn to him  he presses his lips onto mine as we share short passionate kiss

I feel him kiss my neck and his hands move to my waist

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