Back in your arms

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Y/n PoV

I glance to floor to see all the tissue scattered that had been laying there for ages as my heart beat slows down . The tear rolls down my eyes , I feel blaze of fire meters away from me get warmer .

I would be lying if I said everything was okay . It's not . My husband has not been here , of course he had work but he would spend anytime with me calling my names he wouldn't dare say in front of his mum .

He would look like he had guilt and I would look up divorce rates. It's just the way it went . I miss the times when it was just us in world where he would be in love with everything I did but now i feel like I was only he hated.

I didn't focus on our relationship dissolving as much , I thought about my daughter and she wouldn't answer her phone and I grew more scared .

The door opened and I knew he was back and he was pacing around and he randomly took his keys

"You just got back and your leaving"

"Are daughter is gone"

"I know what do you think I have been doing for past few hours"

I point to all calls, I tried to find her and I wipe my tears falling from my face .

"I am not like you"

"Okay let's see if your plan is going to go so well"

I walk out going to my car "Stop being so stubborn and come with me to find her"

I get into his car and I feel myself looking outside of the window "do you even know where to look"

"I know our daughter"

"Wonder how when your never here"

"You act like you don't work y/n" he scoffs

"I don't know anymore c/n with you"

"What do you mean with me "

"Focus on the road"

We drove for hours until , we got into the forest and I got out and usually he offer his hand and he did and I refused . I could see his eyes water a little .

"Okay let's split up"

"Bab- y/n"

I look up to him and i roll my eyes as I continue to walk my way and he follows me and I see this carved door and I go into it and all of sudden I feel everything shake and I hold onto him

As I open my eyes I see land full of sand and I walk through it and I see c/n look confused

"Y/n you can go back to hating me but our daughter"

C/n PoV

Truth is , I was scared of loosing her eternally . I hated the fact I made her cry and I wanted to apologise but I always bit my tongue


We walk together for what seems like hours and we see a bunch of people

"Your not from here are you" a girl with purple hair comes out and tries to flirts me

"No , where not"

"We are looking for her" I show photo and I see her recognise our daughter

"I have seen her but she is n hands of the ruler of this town and his strictest "

"Take us to him" y/n says

"Are you sure"

"I asked didn't I"

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