Help!!! Part 2!

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Tw: sexual comments, mental and physical abuse,toxic relationship,harassment,sexual harassment,mention of death,mention of suicide,saying someone is the cause of someone else's suicide,virgil beating a perv to a pulp.Janus being trans phobic( he says "tranny" please note this hurt to write)

Ship(s): Toxic Roceit, prinxiety.

notes: cuban!roman

"HEY!" All three froze as Roman turned to see a blurry figure through his tear filled eyes.

"Who the fuck are you?" Janus sneered. "The 'nEw KiD' as you've put it." The boy hissed, "Oh you're that brat from earlier." Janus smirked.

The teen grabbed the boy that was on Roman's right,throwing  him to the ground.He swiftly turned round and booted the other in his no-no square,causing him to fall to the ground cowering in pain. "Keep it in ya pants next time ya pervert." The new kid growled. Roman quickly scrambled away from the two and hid next to the lockers.

"ROMAN!" Janus snapped. The teen growled and pinned him to the wall. "Lemme me guess,the asshole boyfriend that doesn't give two shits?" He asked with a smirk.Janus cowered slightly. The male let go off him. "scram.before I get extremely pissed off when I find out what you've done." He growled.

Janus and his lackies where kick to run (or limp for the unlucky one) away. The teen's gaze softened when he noticed roman peaking out from the lockers. "It's alrigh' now sweetheart." He said with a smile. Roman blushed and stepped out."T-Thank you..." He said rubbing his arm awkwardly,looking at the ground...smiled and used his finger to make him look up at him. "No need to thank me darlin'." (I GIVE YOU TEXAN VIRGIL).

"Ya shouldn't waste ya time with shits like him virgil by the way,Virgil Kogane..." Virgil said with a smile. "Roman McClain..." The cuban boy smiled.
You can't stop me.I can make as many references as I want.

Roman quickly pulled out his phone and typed a message hesitating for a few seconds before pressing send

me: It's over asshole.

*you have blocked this number*

Virgil smirked and winked at roman before turning around "see ya cutie."

Roman blushed and stuttered a reply.

Klance&Prinxiety are similar and I'll make as many connections as I want ,try me bItch-

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