The imagination

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Tw: Imagination (scary-), negative thoughts,mentions of abandonment, main character death, blood, injuries,severe injuries.

I'm back motherfuckers.

The imagination.

It was away from hosts,away from sides,it bended and shifted at Creativity's will. The imagination is where your dreams become reality,where you become a Top Singer performing for a concert,where you're thrown back in time to medieval eras fighting dragons valiantly with knights by your side,where you wander through a forest critters running through and over the tree tops.

In the imagination Roman didn't have to be Roman. He didn't have to be a prince when he danced with the villagers during the harvest festival,his snow white hair blowing in the wind as his work-shirt and rugged trousers where stained pinks and yellows from the powder being showered over the square. He didn't have to be a prince as he soared through the sky his animal traits out for the entire imagination to see,Flying over the rapid river that bordered his brother's and his land,his red scaly wings reflecting clearly on the surface of the water.

In the Imagination...Roman can be a hero....He can save towns and travelers from monsters and bandits.He can vanquish the mighty kraken that threatened the docks.
In the imagination Roman can lie to himself,he can pretend patton still loves him,He can pretend Logan doesn't think he's stupid,He can pretend Virgil isn't terrified of him,He can pretend his brother didn't abandon him in the woods when he was 7,He can pretend Janus doesn't hate him.

In the imaginary Roman can get hurt. He stitches the large gash on his side from the dragon witch.He bandages his torso when his back is bleeding,he treats the bruises and resets bones.

In the imagination Roman is dying.He can hear the pounding footsteps of his brother running across the rose field in which Roman layed,He could hear the sobbing of Patton when Logan muttered he was fading,He felt virgil cradle him to his chest,He saw Janus holding a sobbing Remus,looking horrified...He smiled slightly.

In the imagination there is a Grave.
There is a grave infront of the cherry blossom tree infront of the River. There is a grave on which a sash lays hanging on the side.There is a grave that had a bouquet of tulips and hydrangeas infront of it.There is a grave that reads:

Here lies Roman Creativity Sanders
A loving Lover,Brother and Son.
You always were our hero.
Shine bright our Shooting Star
We Love You

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