and you call yourself dad

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Ship: analogince with a aro/ace remus and non-binary janus for your souls

Tw: accidental unsympathetic patton,emotional and mental abuse,sympathetic darksides. Patton disregarding janus' pronouns(killed me to write that)

Requested by:Remy_The_Hero


Roman held back a sigh as patton lectured him about the differences between good and evil...again...It was getting old.

"So Roman when a darkside enters you never take their side." Patton explained. Roman just nodded, feeling a twang of guilt and hurt, could he not agree and get along with his brother? So was he in the wrong or not for the janus incident?! "Janus may have been accepted but he refused to leave remus." Patton mumbled to himself as he sighed,roman was about to correct him on janus' pronouns when he was cut off. "Anyway kiddo what do you want to eat?" Roman thought for a minute, he wanted pizza but patton would probably think he's fat..."Umm I have no idea, you can pick patt! Also...u-um janus uses they/them pronouns... " Roman smiled shyly, "oops sorry..." "I-it's ok j-just don't do it again." Patton beamed and made his way over to the kitchen.

Janus and remus where playing monopoly when janus felt a sharp pain in their hand,causing him to drop his get out of jail free card. "Janjan?you good?" Remus asked concerned." Somebody lied..." they hissed, shaking their hand to try and faze the pain. "Really ? any idea who?". Janus just shook their head.

The next day.

The lightsides sat in the living room watching a movie 'roman' had picked really it was Patton's choice saying that "I just wanna pick a movie we all might enjoy, just incase..." roman of course agreed.

After the movie logan had left to do some work, janus and remus where in the kitchen. "Hey ro? How comes you always take Patton's side?" Virgil asked, his voice holding a little worry, alot less than he was actually feeling.
This caught remus and  janus' attention. They both peeked out the kitchen to listen in. "O-oh well I d-dunno...".

"Hey bro-bro!" Remus called. "You got a minute?" He asked. Roman slightly looked to patton out the corner of his eye,who discreetly nodded but janus and remus noticed. And they where not happy. "Sure 'mus." Roman smiled getting off the couch and walking into the kitchen. Janus closed the door to give them some privacy.

"Ro? Why do you let patton run you life?"

" I do not!"

"You do roman name the last time you made a decision without Patton's input!" Remus demanded trying not to raise his voice. He doesn't want to argue he wants to help...


"ROMAN I'M TRYING TO PROTECT  YOU THIS ISN'T HEALTHY!! YOU CAN'T JUST LET PATTON RUN YOUR LIFE!! YOU'RE YOUR OWN PERSON!!!" Janus and remus tense before starting to shake, it was softly at first until it got violent as he backed up hitting his back on the fridge door sliding down it,curling in on himself shaking and sobbing. "Shit...Ro..." remus said softly walking slowly towards him. Janus held out a hand, "let me handle this ok? I've dealt with his panic attacks before..." they said softly making sure remus knew he did nothing wrong. Remus nodded hesitantly.

Janus kneeled down infront of roman,one of the sides they raised. "Roro, it's jan, can you hear at me?" Roman nodded hesitantly. "Can you look at me baby?" They asked in an almost motherly tone. He shook his head no. "Why not baby?" "M-ma-madd a-at m-m-me..." he sobbed. "Baby we aren't mad at you..." "n-not mad l-l-like p-p-pat?" He asked looking up a bit. "No baby,is it I touch you?" Roman thought for a second before nodding softly. Janus gently brought roman into their lap,resting his head on their shoulder and running a hand through his hair. "Follow my breathing ok?" They said softly taking deep breaths for roman to copy, he struggled. Trying to copy his parental figure. The kitchen door opened and roman's boyfriends stood in the doorway looking confused. Remus brought a finger to his lips telling them to keep quiet before motioning to roman, who had managed to even out his breathing a little and was half asleep. Logan's eyes widened as he made is way to janus' side and virgil went and gave remus a hug. " 'm sorry..." roman whispered as he cuddled closer to janus. " Don't say sorry baby, you did nothing wrong." " 'm sleepy..." he mumbled, causing janus to laugh a little. "Wanna go to 'mus? Or do you want someone else..?" Janus asked,knowing roman was very clingy after panicking attacks aswell as being a little childish with his speech. "Bubba..." he mumbled making grabby hands for remus. Remus smiled and made his way over picking up the younger twin. Roman clung to his brother like a koala finally falling asleep.

"We need to confront morality." Remus said in a hushed voice. noticing how virgil awed at roman a bit. "Why? What's patton to do with this?" Logan asked adjusting his glasses though he may not sound like it there where small tell-tale signs that he was about to throw hands. His hand forming a fist, his jaw clenching slight. Virgil had to grab his hand "wait till we know his story. Then murder." He smiled.

All four walked out whilst remus carried sleeping roman. Patton was sat on the couch playing on his phone. "Morality." Janus spoke in a tone that scared all of the conscious sides. " hey kiddo, what's up?" He obviously didn't notice roman.

"Why are you so controlling over Roman." Janus left no room for arguments or beating round the bush they got straight (gay) to the point. " what do you mean?" Patton's eyes only held more confusion. "Roman can't make a decision. It's always you making it for him,by force!" Virgil hissed,gripping Logan's hand tighter.

"I-I HAD NO IDEA....!" Patton exclaimed. "Honestly I didn't realise how controlling I was, I want him to be independent! I really do!" He cried. "Still has no excuse for your constant verbal abuse patton." Logan stated rage evident in his voice. Patton looked down ashamed.

"I'm sorry....I know that won't do anything but I'll try get better, I'll make it up to Roman!" He said.

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