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Tw: Mental and physical Abuse, impled Suicide baiting,abusive relationship, arrest

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Tw: Mental and physical Abuse, impled Suicide baiting,abusive relationship, arrest.abusive logan,virgil and patton.Neglect. The make roman sleep in a cupboard (ur a wizard roman),denying someone food.

Ships: abusive Lamp, Demus.

Requested by :VeeSanders

Notes: Human au.
Janus & Remus are cops, Remus mostly works in murder cases.
Logan is an accountant for a big company, Patton owns a bakery,Virgil is a fashion designer. Roman tried to get a job but his boyfriends told him not to.

A sharp pain hit him like a truck as he was pushed to the ground. A foot flipped him onto his back,he looked up with teary eyes,to see a blurry silhouette of one if  his lovers,they where kneeling above him a sickly sweet smile plastered on his pale face. "L-Logan..." Roman whimpered out,wanting nothing more than to go to his "room" and hide.

A harsh kick to his hip caused him to gasp. "Shut up brat." Virgil spat before going into the kitchen,Roman caught him kiss Patton's cheek and hug him from behind from the corner of his eye. That made more tears come to his eyes.

A few minutes later logan left roman on the floor,curling in on himself in pain. "W-why..." He whispered to him as he left. Logan gave a sickly sweet smile. "Because we love you and want what's best for you..." He said kissing Roman's forehead 'yeah right.After you told me to jump?'.Roman flinched away. Logan just huffed in amusement before joining his boyfriends round the dinner table. Roman slowly sat up and looked at his boyfriends happily eating and chatting over the spaghetti patton had cooked. Patton glanced over at roman before turning to him with a glare. Roman got the message and scrambled up,limping over to his "room" under the stairs.

He closed the door before sliding down it. He didn't know how much more he could handle...He's tried to leave but they drug him back...They took his phone and he's barely allowed to leave the house unless one of them is with them. He hasn't talked to his twin brother in a year...wait...his brother's a cop! He can get him out of here!

Roman knew it was a risk but he knew where his phone was.He just had to wait till they where asleep.

Time skip brought to you by °~* me not knowing how to write good fanfics*~°

Roman slowly crept up the stair of the apartment. Knowing which floorboards creeked and which didn't. He sighed quietly and slowly opened the door to his "lovers" room. To say he didn't feel a twang of jealousy when he saw them all cuddled together would be a lie,they where like that to him aswell at some point in the past,a loving relationship...Roman doesn't know where it went wrong. He slowly made his way into the room and opened the top draw as quietly as he could he quickly grabbed his phone in the near barron draw. He heard the covers shuffle and quickly left the room.

roman angst one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now