baby please...

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Tw: fighting,accidental abuse,screaming.

Requested by : xGothxLunax

Virgil and roman where the dream couple. Fights where rare. It was rarer to see the two seperated to be honest.

But they do fight...and those fights get quite nasty,nothing physical but verbally bullying one another till one breaks down crying and apologising profusely.

They where fighting about who knows what for who knows how long. Till Roman said something that really pissed virgil off.

Before either could comprehend what was happening virgil's hand struck roman across the face. A sharp gasp being recieved.

Virgil was shocked, why did he do that?! He never once wanted to harm roman,not ever even when he was a jerk.

"Roman I-" virgil took a step towards the teary eyed prince "s-stay away...." Roman stuttered tears soon escaping "y-you said you where different..." he stated before he ran to his room.

Roman slammed the door shut and locked it. Hearing virgil knock on his door profusely.

Virgil said he was different, different from him. He promised to protect him, keep him safe...

"Baby please..." he heard virgil cry through the door. Virgil leaned his forehead against the door, tears running down his face ruining his eyeshadow but he couldn't give to shits.

"I'm sorry I'm so so sorry....I know you don't want to forgive me and I don't blame you but please know I never meant it... I love you baby...." virgil finished, turning around and sliding down the door.





"Y-you said you where different..." he heard roman whisper. " I least I thought I was....I don't want to hurt you baby I never have,your my everything,my world..." virgil paused taking a shaky breath. "I-I understand if you want to take a break...." he muttered, earning a sharp gasp.

Suddenly the door was flung open and virgil was tackled to the carpet. "Please please I'm sorry please don't leave me!!!" Roman sobbed. Virgil sat up roman falling into his lap, rubbing calming circles on his back. "Shh baby, don't you dare apologise. It's my fault ok? I'm not going to leave you...promise." virgil put a finger under Roman's chin causing him to look up.

Giving him a gentle kiss, virgil held roman close. Roman slipped his eyes shut and kissed back,wrapping his arms around the tallers neck. Virgil gently caressed his cheek, red from where he slapped him, with his thumb. He pulled away and pressed soft kisses to the injury, "I'm so sorry baby..." " I-I forgive you mi amour....'

roman angst one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now