bruised ego

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Tw: toxic "fanders"/haters, bruising, crying, tell me if missed anything

( I actually came up with a head cannon that might be basically roman "hates " Janus because as self preservation it's janus' job to protect the ego (which is roman) but since roman is a prince and the pride aka the protector,he thinks he doesn't need to be protected therefore pushes janus away. )

Requested by: my one functional braincell.

Roman covered his mouth as tears ran down his face. Bruises littered his body, no he wasn't hit or abused. But well Thomas's ego took a large hit and representing the ego roman got hurt. "" he whispered. He glanced at his phone screen once again. That one comment set off a bunch of others...all harming him and thomas....

'This is so immature, childish and it looks crappy. Like what the actual f*ck.'

Janus felt a strange pull." Is Thomas summoning us?" He asked remus, who was currently hanging off the chandelier.

"Not that I know of...but then again I'm rarely summoned...but I do feel kinda off..." he muttered the last part yet the deceitful trait heard it. "How so?" He asked. Remus toppled off the chandelier landing on his back then sitting up as straight as possible looking janus in the eyes. " I Dunno I just feel as though something's hit me in different places but I have no bruises or marks...." the younger trait replied.

Janus began to think for a moment before he got a metaphorical lightbulb. " your in pain... and I'm feeling a tug... ROMAN!"  Janus shouted jumping out his seat and running to the side's room, remus close behind.

When the taller trait burst through the door, what he saw broke his heart.

Roman sat curled into a ball on his bed, his shirt was off probably cause they hurt the unbelievable amount of bruises that littered his body.

Remus was quick to barge past janus and rush to his brother's side. He noticed the phone and picked it up, taking one look at the screen before growling. ROMAN WORKED DAMN HARD ON THIS SERIES AND HE DOES NOT DESERVE THESE HATERS!

He tossed the phone to the side before trying to comfort his brother.

Janus walked over to them summoning his staff. "Roman?" The sobbing trait looked up at him, Janus' snake eye glowed a bright yellow the top of his staff illuminating the same colour. "Forget." He commanded Roman's eyes glowed yellow for a second before he passed out falling limp against his brother. "Wha..." remus wrapped his arms around his twin, the bruises slowly disappearing, looking at janus who had desummoned his staff and was now deleting the hate comments from the videos. " I just made him forget the past few hours don't worry. He'll be fine but it was safer for him to forget." " how did you know...?" "Self preservation, I'm protecter of the ego." He said gesturing to the unconscious twin.


(And this is where my motivation went adios, sorry no part 2 for this... also I drew the new cover for the book what do ya think?)

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