why don't you care?

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Tw: overworking, unsympathetic!light sides, dark sides don't show up.

Requested by : impansexuwhale

Roman works harder than any other side,that was clear to the viewers who paid attention. The sides knew this but they don't care and don't want to accept it. "Jesus Roman work harder the deadline is next month!" Patton yelled at the creative side who had literally been out of his room for a minute to get a drink.

"O-ok patton!" He fake smiled before running to his room. Truth be told he had already finished that script and was working on the next one. On top of that he had to control Thomas' creativity levels,his ego and his self esteem/confidence, which wasn't an easy task.

He sighed heavily as he sat back at his desk trying to think of achievements and kind comments to help Thomas' esteem."It's fine. I need to work more anyway." He told himself as he worked on multiple tasks at once.


It had been 3 weeks since roman has left his room and that was to only hand logan the script, he then returned to start working on the creative input to all of thomas' projects. Like a new music video or involving the dark sides more as fans seem to have taken a liking to them which was a good thing to roman. Roman now had dark bags under his eyes and he rarely ate,making him underweight by an unhealthy amount. He could collapse at any moment.

"Thomas are you ok?" "Joan? Am I good enough?"

Roman froze. He had tried to keep up with Thomas' esteem. How could he have failed this miserably? To the point where his host is questioning his self worth.

"I'm useless. I need to get back to work." He stated before starting to work on thomas' esteem. Muttering to himself...that was until he was summoned. Roman rose up with his usual false smile. " why hello thomas! How may I be of assistance?" "Roman are you alright?" His host questioned studying his creativity's appearance. "Actu-" " he's fine Thomas." Virgil cut in. "So what's the issue thomas?" Logic questioned. "I have to many creative ideas..." he muttered Roman tensed,feeling his consciousness slipping,as the other 3 glared at him. "I apologise Thomas,I didn't realise I over run you with my id-" before roman could finished he passed out from the exhaustion. "ROMAN!" Thomas shouted catching the prince, he felt for Roman's pulse and sighed in relief when he found it.

"Now. You three. You have some explaining to do." The host spat as the 3 "light sides" froze.

I'm really sorry it took so long to update and sorry it's short. I hope you liked it. If not then please inform me on how I could make it better

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