Aight imma head out.

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Tw: Unsympathetic patton and logan, verbal abuse,telling some one to die,touch-starved Romano,Roman announcing he's a darkside with memes.

Requested by : Ximena060

"Roman this script is too childish.What makes you think we can use this?!" That was logan...

"This is absolutely disguisting what the hell?!" Patton....Roman had wore a skirt...

"Roman stop being so damn loud!"

"Get the fuck out of my room you freak!"

"JUST DIE!!" Patton screamed at him as Roman was backed into the corner. Patton immediately covered his mouth with his hands.Even Logan was giving him a 'too far' look.

Roman shoved past patton sobbing. He ran to his room slamming the door shut and locking it. He leaned against the door before sliding down it. Curling into a ball as he sobbed. He held his knees close to his chest. "why?! why do they hate me?!" he sobbed out to no one in particular.

The touch-starved male sobbed loudly.Pulling at his hair as he cried.

Suddenly he felt arms wrap around him, his head snapped up to see Remus hugging him. Of course Remus was the only one who could enter his room without permission. Roman hugged his brother tightly sobbing into his chest. Remus stayed the entire time.

He stayed and he listened as Roman explained what had happened.

Remus smiled and brushed some hair out of Roman's eyes." Why don't you come with us...we won't judge you,we'll let you be who you are..." He explained.

"But what about Jan-"

"He forgives you...and he's sorry too."

Roman thought for a minute before smiling brightly,one of the biggest, and most real smiles Remus has ever seen on Roman.

"That's sounds good!" He smiled. Remus beamed and stood up helping Roman up.

The chaotic christmas twins sunk out into the dark scape where Roman spotted Janus sipping on wine like the wine mom he is.

"J-ANUS!" Remus shouted getting a sigh from Janus and a repressed giggle from Roman. "That's not how you pronounce my name you dick. But what do you wan-" He was cut off by the sight of Roman, He had tear stains down his cheeks his eyes where red a slightly puffy and his hair was everywhere. He put his glass down immediately and raced over to Roman.

"What happend!?" He questioned the shorter two,cupping Roman's face in his hand. Roman leaned into the touch. 'Damn I really am Touch starved.' He thought.

Remus explained the situation to the concerned mother/father figure. He quickly brought Roman into a hug,to which he melted into. "You're touch-starved aren't you..." Muttered quietly. Roman's breath hitched for a second before nodding timidly.

Janus sighed and picked Roman up,earning a squeak. "Remus code  blue." Remus seemed shocked but nodded and ran of into another room. Janus carried Roman into the Livingroom. Setting him down on the couch. Roman whined a little at the loss of the hug but didn't say anything.

Janus gave him a small smile before grabbing some DVDs off a shelf. Remus came in holding some fluffy blankets and Roman noticed something on top.

He gasped "Muddy!" He exclaimed happily, taking the stuffed bear that was patched with green cloth. "you kept him?" He asked his brother who had a replica of the bear just with red patches. "And Kingsley." Remus added. Janus smiled at the two setting up the DVD. The Twins set up the blankets making a gort with two extra ones. They sat in the fort and pulled the orange blanket over themselves,cuddling up together,holding the bears close. Janus sat next to them pulling a yellow blanket over himself before pressing play.

Roman took note that his suit had faded to black whilst him and Remus where distracted his sash becoming a slightly darker shade.

"wait I need to tell the others I ain't a lightside no more...." Remus smirked. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Roman smirked back." Oh definitely." Roman quickly pulled out his phone. "memes" Janus gave an exhausted sigh. Sometimes he didn't know what to do with these two.

Roman opened the lightside groupchat on his phone


Emonightmare: Roman where are you?!

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Emonightmare: Roman where are you?!

Calculatorwatch: Roman we acquire your location


Emonightmare: Wait you left?!

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Emonightmare: Wait you left?!

Patton: What do you mean he left?!

Emonightmare: He's with the darksides!

Princey: 🤡

Emonightmare: are you happy there?

Princey: 👌🏻

Emonightmare: we still gonna have our movie marathons?

Princey: 👍🏻

Emonightmare: ight then.Aslong as your happy.

Patton: Hold on what?!

Roman turned his phone off as patton and logan kept spamming the chat.

He curled up to his brother more and watched the movie. Both brothers singing loudly as the songs came on. Janus smiled.

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