if I jumped would you miss me?

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Human au

Tw: suicide attempt, mention of suicide,self harm mention.

Roman let out a shaky breathe as he pressed dial on the groupchat with his boyfriends.

They all picked up, Logan first then Virgil and then patton. "Hey Ro what's up?" Virgil's voice came over the speaker.

"I-if I jumped would you miss me?" Roman asked, tears falling down his face as the cold breeze hitting his face.

"What?! Baby where are you?!" He could hear logan leaping off the couch and running out the door.
"Roman don't move a muscle we're coming to get you!" Virgil's hands fumble with the car keys.
"PRINCESS STAY WHERE YOU ARE!" Patton's crying as he belted down the street.

"The bridge has a pretty view..." roman mumbled as he swung his legs back and forth.  He looked down to see the glistening water of the river, the moonlight sparkling off it.

He couldn't hear a car screeching to a hault. The pounding footsteps of people as he leaned forward letting go of the bar.

He was about to fall when someone wrapped their arms around his waist. He gasped.

He was pulled back over the railing as he heard sobbing. He opened his eyes to see his boyfriends all of them crying and sobbing. "W-what..." " bold of you to assume we'd let you fucking jump..." Patton mumbled as he hugged roman tight.

Roman broke down, he sobbed and cried in his boyfriends' arms muttering apologise no matter how many times they told him it's ok. " baby..?" Logan asked quietly, roman looked up at him from virgil's lap.When did he get there?
" Show me your a-arms please..." roman tensed but hesitantly put his arm out for logan to roll his sleeve up. Once he did he heard gasps from the three taller males.

Roman cried into virgil's shoulder as the three wrapped him in a hug placing kisses on his head every so often.

Roman fell asleep not so long after Logan picked him up as they headed to virgil's car. Logan placed roman in the back seats, using Patton's lap as a pillow as patton ran his fingers through his fluffy hair. Logan and virgil got in the front seats. " logie, virge....we're going to have to talk about this...." patton told them " I know patt..." "I know...I just can't loose him...a-any of you..." virgil said as more tears ran down his face.

"We feel the same virgil..." Logan reassured him putting a hand on his shoulder and giving it a small squeeze grounding him.

Oop sorry not sorry-

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