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"Uhhh, Corpse?" Sykkuno asked.

Corpse reached up, face scrunched in anxiety. He ran a hand over his face, "yeah?"

"Was that a, uh, a kid?"

Everyone else was quiet. His chat had started spamming "daddy corpse" and he had suddenly become incredibly aware of what this looked like.

"Oh my god," he groaned. "Yeah, I'm babysitting for my neighbor," he explained.



Well, he could embrace it or try to ignore it. What was he supposed to do? Oh god..

"Well, uh, Killian say hi.." He moved his microphone in front of Killian's mouth.

"Hi..." Killian said softly, looking at Corpse after, making sure he had done the right thing. Corpse smiled at him tightly.

All of his friends awe'd at the sweet voice. "Can he hear us?" Rae asked.

Corpse disconnected his headphones and reconnected a pair of earbuds, keeping one for himself and handing the other to Killian. He made sure to adjust the volumes before responding. "He can now," Corpse said.

This was his nightmare. He had no idea what would come out of this now.

"Hi sweetie," Rae said softly. Corpse wasn't surprised that she was good with kids. Killian got shy then, burying his head in Corpse's chest. At first, he was uncomfortable, but soon realized it was probably really scary for a 5 year old to hear so many voices without being able to see faces.

"He's a little shy, um, hold on. Rae are you streaming?"

"Yeahhhhhh, Corpse."

Corpse pulled up her stream on his other screen. Thankfully because they both used youtube there wasn't a delay. "Look, Killian, that's Rae. She was saying hi. Rae, we're on your stream."

"Hi Killian," Rae said. Killian watched her wave, making him smile and wave back.

"Crops, can she see me?"

Everyone laughed loudly. "Holy shit, he calls you Crops!!" Toast said, cackling loudly. Hearing everyone laugh made Killian laugh too. Corpse rolled his eyes.

"His mom doesn't like the C word. If he said it at school, he'd get in trouble. Plus saying "I hung out with Corpse yesterday" can be hard to explain," Corpse explained to them.

They continued to laugh at him, promising to call him Crops from now on as a joke.

"Rae can't see you, Killian. We don't use the camera," Corpse answered his question.

He pouted, "Oh," he said sadly.

"I can... I'll send her a video of you saying hi, okay?" Corpse offered.

Why did he feel such a need to satisfy this kid? Jeez...

"Okay!" Killian smiled brightly at him.

Corpse used the front camera since Killian was on his lap. He made sure he wasn't in the frame, just Killian. They recorded a quick video for Rae, and texted it to her.

"Okay, we need to start the next game before we get kicked from this lobby," Toast commented, the game countdown starting immediately after.

Corpse let Killian try some of the tasks that were easy, and talk to some of his friends. He had stayed with Rae most of the round, Killian really taking to her the fastest. He talked in meetings, and honestly payed a lot more attention to who they were around more than Corpse did, using the characters as a way to practice his colors.

One of the meetings had taken particularly longer than usual, and Corpse noticed Killian had fallen asleep on top of him.

He told his friends, just so they knew they couldn't talk to him if they tried. They finished a few more games before calling it quits, saying by to Corpse and Killian even though he was sleeping.

"Okay, chat. Clearly, I didn't expect what happened today to happen, but really, please be kind about it. He's just a kid. And, I'm dead ass when I say he's just my neighbors son. She's a single mom and needs help sometimes, so she asked me to watch him for the day. Anyway..." He read the superchats, thanking many people for their kindness before logging off.

Instead of moving, he thought it would be easier to just keep Killian where he was. He worked on some emails and merch approvals to pass the time.

Surprisingly, no one was being an asshole on twitter. Maybe it was harder to be mean to a five year old, Corpse didn't know. He liked a few tweets from clips of the stream where Killian had talked to his friends. Honestly, the kid was cute and everyone seemed to love it. Many of the fans had started calling him "baby corpse" just because of how he had helped him during the stream. There was already fan art with Killian in it; a small kid with the bunny mask over one side of his face on Corpse's lap, and the Among Us character with a baby character with horns next to him. #KillyandCorpse was trending.

When Rae did respond to his text, she had freaked out over his little curly messy bun, sending an audio message of her fangirling over it.

"Okay, Corpse, he's adorable!! But also, do you realize how insane it is that your name is Corpse and his name is KILLian. IT'S ADORABLE!" she screamed loudly. Corpse rolled his eyes at her before sending a message back, promising her it was just a coincidence and thanking her for being so accommodating to him.

Corpse hadn't considered much about Weston until he realized Killian had to go home eventually.

And Killian would definitely tell his mom about his job.

strawberry wine and tennessee whiskey with both be updated at the same time: 9am est and 5pm est daily. (also i rarely update right at those times but they're good estimations) and ill update then at least until strawberry wine is completed.

thanks for the love <3

love you all dearly!

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